I have been writing for Triond now for about a year and would like to sum up some of the reasons why some articles are viewed more often than others.
Not only has writing for Triond helped me in a personal therapeutic way, because it allows you complete creative authority, but it has also opened my life to a world of supportive, talented writers with whom I am proud to be in a community with.
Throughout my experience with this site, I have also been trying to gauge what articles are read the most. As many of you know, it seems that some articles become popular overnight while others seem to rarely be viewed more than once or twice.
I have found that there are several factors as to why this occurs. Some of these factors follow:
Popular Writers
If your name falls under this category, your articles will be read more for the logical fact that your name is simply more highly visible than writers who are not listed as the most popular. It is much easier to click these names than it is to search and look for an author not listed. In addition, reading what popular writers write about can help give you ideas and help improve your writing skills along the way. To become a better writer you must not only write everyday, but you must read as much as possible.
Titles do matter. They grab the reader’s attention and make all the difference between whether they take the extra two seconds to click on your article. Try to see what is popular. Try to come up with unique titles. Bold, strong statements are striking. Inspirational and romantic titles are popular as well.
Although I rarely use them myself, (I will start to use them more) I have found that many of the most viewed and popular articles have great, appropriate pictures that help keep you interested in the article. They also help to keep your reader’s attention and keep them coming back for more.
I have also noticed that some of my most popular articles are the ones that revolve around health, travel and inspiration. These are two of my most popular articles:
B12 Shots:The Newest Energy Booster
Cultural Differences: A Glimpse of South Korea
Reading other writer’s work:
One of the best ways to lift you up is to lift others up along the way. Again, we are all a common community of talented writers. When you help out your fellow writers they want to help lift you up as well. Be loyal to reading their work and they will return the gesture a hundredfold. Try to always be positive when you leave comments. We all are learning everyday how to be better writers. There is no need to tear another person’s work down. As the old saying says, “If you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all.”
Taking more time and attention with each article.
When more care and attention to detail is put into each article, I have found that these articles become very popular. You must be sure to write in a clear, unfettered fashion so that your message comes across easily to the reader.
Bullet points & Numbering
Sometimes it is easier to follow an article that is laid out in a bullet pointed or numbered structure because your eye can follow it more readily. It is like a guide to keep your eyes on track and interested in the information being provided. It is another tool like adding pictures that will help get your articles more views!
I have also noticed that many popular writers tend to write about the same subjects. They are writing for clear cut audiences and this is a great way to develop a faithful reading audience. Much like how one looks forward to a favorite television program, looking forward to your favorite writer, who writes about your favorite subject is a wonderful addition and treat for a reader.
Respond to Comments
Many readers revisit articles that they have left comments on. They might have asked a question or simply want to know if you care about what they have said. Leave a comment letting them know how important their words are to you and any other thing you want to express. Without readers writers are nothing. We need our readers. Comments do make a world of a difference in lifting us up; they help us to not only continue forward with our passion, but to also improve our art form. They need to know how important they are to us.
Triond’s Suggestions
Utilize the great suggestions that Triond offers their readers. Check out Increase Your Income
And, last but not least, of course, when you have great writing skills talent cannot be denied and you will start to develop a faithful audience who looks forward to your work and sharing your work.
These are just some of the things I have learned and noticed through my observations. I hope they are helpful to you and give you more food for thought on the next pieces you decide to write. Or maybe it will help you write your very first piece for Triond.
Best wishes to all.
Joie Schmidt © Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved.
Dreams of the Heart – volume I by Joie Schmidt is available:
* Volume I: Amazon Kindle, Adobe Reader, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iPad and iBooks
Dreams of the Heart – volume II is available:
* Volume II: Amazon Kindle, Adobe Reader
———> Stay tuned . . . vol. II will soon be available on iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iPad and iBooks!
(*In memoriam of the tragedy in Japan all proceeds from – volume I – sales will go to the relief efforts until 3/11/12)