After 25 years you left me just when I need”ed you the most.
one day i was clearing off the drive way had chest pain wow it was bad so i went to the dr office to find out .She put me through all kinds of test .so i was told i had to have a bypass done asap.I wanted support form you but you didnt even care why i dont know so after i had almost passaway for the bypass you left me and why i dont know we were together for over 25 years i stuck with you through thick and thin ive gave you all i had and more the only thing i wanted was a very little love from you so you walked away from me .so i filed for divorce and found out you had been cheating on me for over two years or more wow its like i had been kicked in the head .how can you do this to a person that gave you all the love you need”ed i raised our kids and your and the only thing you said was the kids are gone i dont need you any more .how can you be so cold how can you treat a person so bad .now ive learn”ed to cope without you i”m by my self now and you are out there parting like you are a teenager you left me in a by way and i will never forget it .i gave you your belongings and you still want more .well im done now its time for you to wake up .were did our love go or has it never been love at all .what happen to us tell me but you will not say a hardly visit the kids they ask me what happen dad and the only thing i can say is i dont know you tell me .your boyfriend came to the icu and told me hay before you die i have to get this off my chest i have been having an affair with your wife for two years now .how did you think i felt when i was told that of course you dont care only for yourself wow how can you be so cold hearted person as you are .why are you that way why do you lsten to people when all they want to do is take from you .life isnt the way you want so you take right .one day you will find out that when you hurt the person you love it will come back to you .maybe not soon but it will bite you in the ass and someone will do it to you .what happen with us when we did”nt have a dime it was me who got us back on our feet .when the kids were sick and need”ed the dr .all you did was pary .ive done all i can do now i have to give up .so the memories are here and will always be .but you will not so have a good life and hope you can clean yourself up .your not getting any younger .Just when i need”ed you the most i wanted to hold you and feel the love we had so you show”ed me none.