Reasons why you should write for this site and a tribute to Triond editors.
If you are a writer, and you want to write,
is the place for you. There isn’t a unique website as this online. For most people, making money is the main purpose; however, you will find a group of writers here on Triond that write for the love of writing. Thus, in this piece, money will be last on the agenda to honor those that write as their passion.
Wonderful Publisher and Editors
Editors at Triond are wonderful. They do their job well by placing the article in its proper category. Sometimes, they embed pictures to make your article more enjoyable, appealing, and one-of-a-kind.
If after published, you find an error or typo mistake in your work, you can submit a fix, and it will be fixed.
Triond also has a blog where you can learn what is new on the site, how to promote your work, and how to make your article more attractive to readers. The monthly newsletter continuously affirmed that anyone can do it. It’s a wonderful and powerful encouragement.
Great Community
Nowhere else on the internet offers a better community than Triond. Writers on this site are friendly, welcoming, and supportive. It is easy to befriend with any writer on the Hot Members list, or prolific writers.
Triond does not have a forum where popular writers stick together like glue, nor does Triond promote any particular writer. The writers must do that for themselves. A recent addition of “My Community” has enhanced communication between writers, and opened up the door for other to send messages to their favorite ones.
Remarkable Opportunity
Take a good look at the Hot Content list. Those articles that are on there are the results of the number of views that article received. That article got blogged by other websites, or through
Digg, or other social bookmarking
If you write for
Associated Content, you know that this opportunity is rarely happened. On Triond, this opportunity seems more attainable for anyone, in any subject.
Once your article receives hundreds of views, your name will be on the Hot Members list. You become popular because of your work on your own, not from the publisher.
I love the freedom and creativity when I have an idea for writing. You are not limit to just pictures, but you can also add videos, drawings, and music to your article. You are free to create how your article should be.
Spend time on Triond and you will find a variety of different types of content that only Triond has. Unique! Special! Diverse!
Earn Royalties
Similarly to other writing sites, you earn royalties for your work by page views. If you can drive traffic to your article, you will get more hits, and earn more money. You are not going to be rich over night, even if your article is on the Hot Content.
How much you earn depends on how you promote your work, or how hard you try to be a part of Triond’s and other websites’ community. Those that make a good living for their writing, they worked their bottoms off for it!
These reasons are my personal preference for writing at Triond. In just a short time that I was here, I have known so many wonderful, talented, and selfless writers. They open their arms, and their hearts with a warm welcome to everyone and anyone.