Why do articles, especially popular ones, get less views as they become older.
I have, recently, written articles about gaming that have caught attention of many views that it was very surprising. There were more than 500 views per day, but it declined to about 300 after a few days, and the number of views have been declining since then. At the end, the views that I received for that article had dropped to 0-10 views per day. I was shocked to see this happening, but I suspect that the popularity of the game is lower than it was before, but I will not name it in this article. If you want to know the name of the game, please visit my profile to check it out. There are numerous articles about it. Another reason I suspect is that internet users do not enjoy visiting websites that are published at an older date, and they enjoy newer editions. Unfortunately, this is true. If you know what is happening to the declining views on older Triond articles, please comment at the bottom of this article and I might read it. If you have an article about it, feel free to link it in the comments section. This would be appreciated.