Well, it’s Christmas time once again and I’d like to take this opportunity to offer my thanks to the Triond community. Let’s wish everyone a very safe and happy Christmas.
More than 70 articles and 40 friends in just a little over 1 month. It’s hard to believe how fast time flies. When I originally came to Triond, all I was looking for was a place where my articles would be accepted by others; a place where I could meet people like myself, with whom I’d share interests with. Well, I found more than that. When I signed up at Triond, I received a very warm welcome, and I take pleasure in the fact that from time to time, some people enjoy taking a peek at what I have to say.
I’ve only been on Triond for less than 2 months now, yet I feel as though I’ve known all of you for a long time. The administrators are very kind and helpful, unlike those of other websites, who seldom answer your emails. And although it’s not a ton of money we’re earning by submitting our content to Triond, at least it’s something, and I’ll be grateful for that. I feel sad for all those bloggers out there who’ve spent years and years writing blogs yet earning next to nothing. If only sites like Triond existed years ago when the internet was in its infancy.
Not everything is joyous though. I remember those frustrating times, the times that still exist in fact, when I submit an article for approval and it gets rejected. And then I get upset because my article will now be up 24 hours less than it would have been. But then I collect my thoughts, try to calm down, and get to work on fixing the article. Believe me, I’m no speedy writer. It takes me upwards of an hour or two just to finish one piece of writing – even longer if I decide to include pictures. But I keep telling myself that perseverance will eventually pay off, and it often does.
You might not be happy with Triond’s rate of pay, or the fact that you may have to resubmit your articles more often than not, but there’s an old saying you should heed. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” We should be glad that we’re getting any money at all from Triond. For all we know, the Triond administrators could at any point in the future stop paying us, keep all of the revenue they get from advertisers to themselves, and become what would essentially be a duplicate copy of Blogger or Twitter. But right now they’re kind enough to give us back some of the money they’re receiving from their sponsors. Granted, the administrators are keeping a certain amount of money to themselves, but that’s only natural. All businesses need to make some profit or they wouldn’t exist. Consider Triond’s expenses – they need to pay for a yearly domain, monthly server space and bandwidth, and of course they need to pay themselves for all the time and effort they’re putting into improving the Triond site and publishing other members’ content. After all, time is money. And then there’s the cost of advertising Triond on other websites to attract more members. Add up the $10 yearly domain with the $60 monthly server fee, the monthly advertising cost and the $10/hour minimum wage the administrators pay their employees to approve other members’ content, and you’ll soon see that running a business is harder and more expensive than you would think.
The payout of $1.00 per 1,000 views may not be much, but it’s better than nothing at all. Be happy that Triond is not as greedy as Google, Microsoft, or even eBay.
But all of that ranting aside, I’m just happy that at Triond, we are a close-knit community. I hope that each and every one of us will continue to make more friends as time progresses. I want to wish everyone at Triond, including Marla and the rest of the administration team, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let 2009 be even more successful for all of us here at Triond. And even if you don’t read my articles, or you hate my guts because of my personal opinions that I post in my articles, I still wish that you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season!
Feel free to add me to your Triond Friends list, and I will add you to mine as well. And don’t forget to post a comment here wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone else too! Whether you’ve just recently signed up with Triond like I did, or you’ve been here for years, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
God bless America, God bless Triond, and God bless each and every one of us! See you again in 2009 everyone!