Triond has become home on the web for me. I wake up each morning with anticipation of new and interesting topics. Some people read the morning news paper with their coffee. I read new article submissions.
Triond’s vast array of websites contain an abundance of diverse topics offering all who enter it’s realm an endless stream of entertainment, enjoyment, and new knowledge. In short, Triond has something for everyone.
Health Articles
Can consist of almost any topic imaginable.
It Enlightened us to possible health hazards of consuming meat products. I found some of the issues listed in this article a bit scary as they unveiled a behind the scenes account of what happens to our meat before it reaches the market.
Contains easy and effective ways to lower cholesterol by doing what we already do… eat. What could be easier!
Takes a different approach to good health by way of our pets. Who could know that loving your pet and receiving their unconditional love in return could cause such positive results!
Shows how to lose weight by eating the right foods and let’s face it; we are always looking for ways to lose a couple of unwanted pounds. Changing the way we eat is important for good health and with the help of this article, the author shows us how easy it can be by change the way we eat.
Triond’s Pages are Helpful and Practical
While researching for this article, I found myself lost in a riotous array of ideas. From tips for making life easier to how to raise your own butterflies and more, all for free and just waiting for me to discover them.
Offers information that is useful for anyone who drives a vehicle today. With the high prices of gas we are all looking for a more efficient way to save money.
Is a sensible write up explains how to prepare our vehicle for the cold winter months ahead. It is a reminder to not be caught unprepared.
Gives us websites containing videos, travel information, fitness resources, full length online books to read and much more. This article is a definite one stop shopping wonder.
Is a common sense approach to saving money while not skimping the small enjoyments of family life. This author has crunched the numbers showing us the possible outcome from a year of useful and doable alternative practicalities.
Is an interesting and fun article that shows how anyone can have great looking walls in their home at a fraction of the price. All you need is a little imagination and motivation, this author gives us both.
I loved this one. The idea is practical, saves on space, and looks like a lot of fun. I can’t wait to try this idea next season.
Is a very impressive and complete guide with all the information you need to raise your own butterflies. It’s a great project for anyone who wants a first hand account of the metamorphosis of one of the most beautiful and delicate creatures on earth.
Humor is Always Appreciated
If it gives us a smile, a chuckle, or an out and out belly laugh, it is worth the time it takes to read it.
Gave me a chance to take a hilarious look at myself and the people around me. It is hard to read this article and not compare at least one point to ourselves or someone we know. ]]> 
Is a reminder that the season is upon us. For many women hockey season is a time of stress and even unhappiness. Here the author has taken her unappreciated situation and has turned it into a humorous account of hockey season in this particular household.
May not be classified as humor, I enjoyed the short clips that took me back to “days gone by.” That in itself was fun and I don’t think I was the only reader who got a chuckle as I went through the author’s list.
Previously titled “Dieting” Was the author’s opportunity to poke fun at something that unfortunately, many people take too seriously.
Authors of World Technology, Energy, Ecology
And the environment keep readers abreast of new and interesting happenings. Sometimes we would not be aware of certain events if it weren’t for this conscientious group.
Is a work of in depth research that gives information from the past as well as the present in the world problem of Global Warming. This author also gives an account of what is being done to help remedy this situation.
Is a report about one company’s determination to turn useless scrap into much needed power and heat.