Love is everywhere.
Does anyone know why love? It’s a simple question. Or not?
If you ask someone, “Why do you love your partner?”, You’ll get a response like: I make, is the light of my life and I can not live without him / her. This is the kind of response learned and repeated so many times over the years that say it all the same.
The truth is that, regardless of her (mother, lover / A, country etc), love can not have a logical explanation. No matter how trying the philosophical definitions, scientific and spiritual, can not explain love. It’s just there. As earth movement or heartbeat.
Love is part of us. It received the package, so to speak. There’s nobody in this world who has not ever loved ceva.Toate human relationships are based on love, in doses higher or lower. When we call it in small doses friendship, when in Cantiere large or large all is love. Without love I exist in the first place. We are all fruit of love, after all. Right? Our parents live a love story whose fruit we and our brothers.
Often not aware of this feeling. Because basically that’s the definition: a feeling. Love something or someone, without realizing it.
How many times have you heard a song over and over? How many times have you watched a movie repeatedly, you read a book you seen a flower? Do this because you love that song, that movie, that flower. Love does not only occur between people. Love is always around us, in every corner, in every whisper and gentle breeze. Just not we realize.
Why do we love?
Because it is human nature. Humans are built for love. Piece by piece, love flows around us.
Many people say “I do not care one loves.” Wrong!
Try to be aware how much love around you.
Take a piece of paper and write down all the things you love. I’m not kidding! Just do it! Write everything. Then look how much love offering. And when you give love, automatically get back, because always after an action is reaction. In principle the offer that you receive.
Let me do my own exercise and see what results.
I love my mother, father, grandmother. I love my country. I love girls with blue eyes and green (not all). I love to write, to run, to dream, to watch the sun, playing with the wind, to sing, to dance, to shout for joy … the list is long. I love to love. See?! I was hard! Try and you!
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or where. I love you simply, without analyzing too much and without pride, so I love you because otherwise I can not. “- Pablo Neruda