Recommended websites for freelance writers.
There are numerous websites that allow freelance writers to earn money from up-front payments, residual income opportunities or a combination of the two. When identifying recommended websites for freelance writers, there should be a mix of writing, networking and bookmarking sites. This combination can help a freelance writer make money, market themselves and potentially land new freelance writing jobs. Here are some of the recommended websites for freelance writers.
Writing sites
Writing sites can be broken out into three categories. These are paid to write sites, paid to write for a combination of up-front and residual earnings and residual earning sites.
Paid to write sites include popular sites like Constant Content and Internet Brands (among others including Helium). Both of these allow a writer to submit custom content that is requested by publishers. Once the client approves the content, the writer is paid for them based on the sites individual payment policies.
Paid to write sites with up-front and residual earnings sites include both Helium, triond and Bright Hub (among others). Writers at Helium can select titles that are published in the Helium marketplace and write for up front payments or transition payments. Once the articles transition, writers continue to earn residual income. Bright Hub writers select titles that are placed in the opportunities section by Managing Editors (MEs) and once approved, writers are paid a flat fee and earn residual earnings.
Residual earning sites include sites like Associated Content (which also offers some up front payment opportunities), Suite 101, Wikinut and Squidoo (among others). Writers typically select their own topics, write their articles and once they are published, writers earn residual income.
It is important to note that each of the sites mentioned requires the writer to review the terms of service. Each site has different payment methods, different rules on content ownership and various rules about duplicated content. Freelance writers are encouraged to review each site carefully and identify those that work best for them.
Networking sites
Networking sites provide numerous opportunities for freelance writers. In addition to sharing links to their work, they can also potentially find jobs on sites like LinkedIn and Twitter. The top social networking sites for freelance writers are Twitter, LinkedIn, FourSquare and Facebook. Each provides a freelance writer with numerous opportunities to network, promote their work and connect with other writers. These networking sites all offer free services.
Social bookmarking sites
Social bookmarking sites provide freelance writers with additional opportunities to promote their work and in some cases to increase their income. Sites like RedGage offer writers the opportunity to provide a link to their articles or blog posts. StumbleUpon is another very popular social bookmarking site that can help drive traffic to a freelance writers work. SheToldMe provides a revenue sharing model where the freelance writer can earn income in their AdSense account by posting bookmarks. There are hundreds of social bookmarking sites that can be used provided that a freelance writer does not violate their terms of service.
In addition to online plagiarism checkers, spell checkers, grammar checkers and online image sites, these sites are highly recommended websites for freelance writers. Before a freelance writer opens an account at any website they should carefully review their terms of service to see if the site matches their needs and that the terms of service fit within the parameters of the freelance writers goals