Some tips on how to write a good or GREAT essay.
So, you have no idea how to write an essay. You have a hard time actually writing about something you are passionate about because you jumble your ideas together…Well read these tips and attempt to make your essay outstanding.
1. Find your topic!
Do not just pick a topic, find one. Find a topic of interest, something that you talk about for hours (of course your essay will not be that long.) If your topic is already chosen for you (school assignment) understand what you have to analyze within the essay.
2. Know what you want to talk about regarding the topic!
It’s perfectly okay to talk about Human Perception of Emotion however, are you going to talk about the perception of emotion in America or China? Civilizations based on technology or civilizations without? Men or women? Once you find a topic, it is VERY important to know a “subtopic” that you are going to speak about. Your actual essay topic should never be too broad, or else you’re going to be writing for ever!
3. Think of your Introduction/Thesis!
Your introduction or thesis is extremely vital to the entire essay. You lay down your foundation here, if your introduction/thesis is horrible…who will want to read the rest!? Even if the person reading the essay has to read it, they will already have a low expectation therefore, you may receive low marks or bad reviews because you have set yourself up for failure.
4. Get to the point!
Nothing is worse than an essay that drags on for too long or repeats itself. If Mr.Brown put on a coat and tied his shoes, do not repeat how he put on a coat and shoes three times in one paragraph. The reader will easily get annoyed and you should be annoyed having to type or write it that many times. Your essay can live without examining the possible moods of Mr.Brown.
5. Speaking of possibilities, use words that are STRONG!
If you’re not sure about what you’re writing…you better write like you are an expert! Words such as, could have, possibly, might have, maybe, etc. literally drop the level of reliability one has in your writing. The only time these words are acceptable is when you are writing some type of scientific evaluation/report because you can never be 100% sure. Writing, in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein’s Being might have wanted another creature to be with him because he wanted some form of connection since he could not receive any compassion from human beings makes it seem like, you are not really sure why anything happened. It may seem like something small but it makes a difference.
6. Put yourself into your work without putting yourself into your work!
This tip depends on the type of essay you are writing. Putting your personal writing style into your essay is important; it sets you apart from other writers. Now, if you know your teacher wants things a certain way you are safer going with the way they want it (if you want to just get an A.) There is a difference between writing style and including your opinion. Unless it is an essay about your opinion (it usually isn’t) don’t do it! This includes saying that an author did a “wonderful” job with characterization or any other adjective, good or bad. Stylistic devices work wonders in setting yourself apart, especially, sentence structure, use of punctuation, syntax, etc.
7. No Slang or Idioms!
Depending on who is grading or receiving your essay the use of slang or idioms is a big no- no. For example, in the international Baccalaureate program ones external papers get sent to countries all over the world! If you include the idiom “it’s raining cats and dogs” in your essay, someone might think your crazy for thinking that it can rain cats and dogs. Some idioms and slang terms are not commonly understood therefore should not be included in your essay.
8. Conclusion massacre!
Your conclusion should conclude your essay, not REPEAT it! Keep it concise and do not repeat your introduction/thesis. This is sometimes the hardest thing to do. For an example of the difference needed between introduction and conclusion read the very short essay in the link on A Thousand Splendid Suns.