Journals Are a Great Way to Express Thoughts And Emotions.
Writing a Private Diary Can Give You a Sense of Relief.
Journals are like a journey for your personal thoughts and feelings. A diary is more a log of daily events or appointments.
But they can be used in the same way. Some newspapers have periodicals that are journals written daily, weekly or even monthly.
There are many kinds of journals, but what I am referring to is a personal journal that is written down on paper or on your blog.
I always write mine in a book with blank pages. These types are available in many stores and can be purchased online from Amazon.Com.
Some people like to write in poems or just log events in point form. Whatever form you feel comfortable with is best.
Its good to find a place to write where youcan be alone without distractions and a safe place to keep it from prying eyes.
I started writing my thoughts and feelings in a personal diary when I was about nine or ten. It was the kind with a lock and key.
Well my Mom found it and read it. I had writtten down in a childish tantrum I hate my Mother. Thats how I learned to take her advice,
about never writing anything down that I wouldn’t want on the front page of a newspaper. My Mom and I made up of course but that was
one lesson I never forgot. When my children were small, I would write down things we did, who came for dinner and what we ate its fun to
read them now and remember. But when one of our sons left home to join a monastry in another country and even changed his name,
I was devastated he and i had been very close and I missed him terribly. So I started to write my thoughts and feelings down daily.
I would even write little notes in my journal to him, things I would tell him if he was home. It was a difficult time but reflecting on how
I felt and writing it all down brought me a sense of relief. I kept hoping and praying he would come home and after twelve long years he
finally did. I let him read my journal and he caught up on things he missed and I think understood how we were effected by his absence.
I hope you try writing a journal and when you reflect back the problem may seem smaller or you may be able to come to some healing
conclusions. And I hope you will have a sense of relief and peace, it worked for me.
Here is a link to my sons story;
You can find a link to my blog on my profile page but I never write anything secret there lol