In school you are taught you should work slow and right but on the internet and in the business world on the internet this is wrong. You need to work as fast as you can and you need to do that work right. It is not possible to beat the competition with quantity and no quality nor it is possible to beat the competition with quality but work very slowly. The perfect intersction wins the game.
I am not rich but I am still trying to make a good living of the internet. One thing I already learned was that article quality is very subjective. As long as the article is simple and readable you should to write as many articles as you can in a short period of time.
1. Use a proven article template. Ezine articles has several proven to work templates for all kinds of articles. Do not try to invent a new article template, just stick with what works and learn from the experience of people that have been in that business for several years.
2. Read what you write before and try to do better next time. Things were left unsaid, things you forgot at that moment can be said now. Articles you left undone can be finished right now, article you forgot to publish can be sent now.
3. As a freelancer you will not make any progress if you just stay in your room thinking all day long. When you are on your own you will have to keep moving and try new things to see the best way to make your business run. If one site is not working like you wanted it to, maybe it’s time to try a different approach. If one site is not working the way you wanted it to, maybe you can sell the domain and try work for an established domain before you start your own.
4. With freedom comes power and with power you need to learn how to behave and work to avoid trouble in business. Worry will be your greatest nightmare, worry about what will happen tomorrow is your greatest enemy. You need to learn how to fight that enemy with action. Be like Churchil that at the height of the war he said “I am too budy to be worried” and he was right. As long as you learn how to fight worry with action, you can be on your own without any trouble. When things are not moving right, write twice as fast and twice as much to make the business move.
5. And finally remember anyone can write, like anyone can ride a bicycle, but only a few, only very few people will ever reach the Champs in Yellow. Absolute determination is the key to success. When your articles are not performing like you expected them to, write one hundred more and try to keep people following you.