Poems speak of feelings – of intense sadness, fiery passion or just plain expression of oneself. Poetry writing is a beauty, so unfortunate that it doesn’t earn much, unlike non-fiction or information articles often goggled in the internet. The good news, we can also have continuous views with our poems.
Like most Triond user, I started my way here as a creative writer, submitting my content in the short-story category. While there had been one to three views a day, it had been frustrating for me to discover zero views all the time. I often ask myself, how can readers find me?
So, like any other newbie, I was spammed by other users checking this, reading that, commenting his or her article just to have someone read my work in return. After learning slowly the ways here in the net, I discovered that most writers do not read stories especially if it’s 3 or more pages long. They just give the ‘nice article’, ‘awesome read’, then after some time they do not check your work anymore.
Shifting from creative writings to solid facts material was a struggle for me. Over time, I did succeed in publishing articles that earn. I didn’t stop writing fiction though. But instead of creating short stories, I decided to write poems.
With poems, we get to have views as soon as they are published, especially when we have many friends and we are active in the community. The problem with poems is they do not have constant views compared to non-fiction posts like medical, health, celebrities and other searchable articles in the net. Fortunately, we may still have continuous views with our poems.
If you do not have StumbleUpon account, you should create one
My poems are often ignored at Twitter and Digg, but not in StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon works when you have friends to whom you can share your poems with. I may have 300 friends at StumbleUpon but I only share to people that I can exchange pages with. But, the thing about StumbleUpon, when you send a page to friends, they may choose to share it or StumbleUpon itself will recommend your poetry to people who like poems.
I normally send a poem to 100 people but over time, views tend to accelerate to 300 and more. And happily, I get to have views from time to time from old shared poems thanks to StumbleUpon.
Post your poems at Blogger
Articles from Triond can be linked directly to Blogger. However, do not post them as mere links. Poetry can be more beautiful (at least for me) by including pictures. Try to add something about your poem like a mention of some inspiration or on how you came to write it. This way, people may be interested to read your work. With a fresh and new look, you can promote your poems again to bookmarking site. Me, I usually post or link my poems from Blogger to FaceBook and Twitter.
Check out my page ‘Immured’ at Blogger.
Tumblr is also a blogging platform like Blogger. The difference here is friends and user can reblog your work, over and over again. Here, I do not say much about my poems.
At Tumblr, I only post free to use picture with my link. Most users here like photos. When a picture you post interests them, they are likely to reblog your page with your link in it. Friends of them or other users may reblog your page, with your poem link included. This means, more opportunities for page views since some of them are apt click your poem link. Hopefully, some of these users may actually like your works that you can gain additional readers as well.
Check out my site ‘Pages of the Sunshine Phoenix’ at Tumblr.
Promoting is never easy
In my case, I do my promotion at my own leisure, adding friends here and there, checking out their sites from time to time. While some would return me the favor and the others maybe too busy to check out mine, I forget to complain much. Exchanging pages at Stumbleupon makes me busy – doing a job and at the same time, relaxing. Creating new and fresh pages at Blogger at Tumblr on the other hand, are other achievements that I can enjoy and appreciate all by myself, then again…. it is always nice to share.