The uses of the sentence and effects on relationships.
A simple three word sentence.
We have all said it at some point in our lives. How often have we said it and meant it? “I Love You”… This sentence has been used and misused so much that one wonders if it should be stricken from our language.
Why is it that “I Love You” is not a “manly” thing to say? But it comes so easily out of the mouth of a young man trying to “score” in the heat of passion. And, then, on to the next conquest. Consequence? Thousands of unwed mothers having to turn to the System for survival. The romancer who said “I Love You”? … Nowhere to be found…
How about the couple who loved eachother so much that they just “had” to get married or move-in together? After a while(a few years and, sometimes, a few month later), “I Love You” gets shortened to…”Love You”? What is that? Is there so little love remaining in the relationship that one has to resort to a quick utterance of the expression for fear of letting the other see that boredom has set in? …
How often have parents heard their children yell “I Love you, mom”, “I Love you, dad”, as they run out the house to go to school or to meet with friends… In this case, more times than not, “I Love You” has become another variation of “Seeya later”.
Then, there is the recording star on tour, blowing kisses to the crowd at the end of the show and yelling “I Love You”. Really? … Welll…Probably as long as you keep coming to the show and buying the “CD”…
Oh, and, let us not forget the politician, running for “Office”, who, at the end of a speech, booms into the microphone: “Thank you so much for your support. I Love You: ”You love us? No…You just want to get elected. How can you tell? Simple. When one of the people he “loved” so much tries to call the Office of the newly elected “lover” about a broken promise, the poor “sap” cannot seem to get past the call screener. Hmmm…
I am sure that many of you could cite examples of gross misuse of the so popular expression from your life experience that, by now, you get the point.
“I Love You” is too beautiful and too deep a statement to be laid to waste.
Use it. Use it a lot. Use it carefully.
And only if you mean it…
See y’all later,
Luvya… (: