Now that I have finally submitted the last poem of my epic “An Album of Seasons”, I have decided to give an insider article to explain a little bit about how they came together, why I made them, and other details behind this anthology. (The epic “An Album of Seasons” consists of the four poems: “A Breath of Spring”, “A Spell of Summer”, “A Cup of Autumn”, and “A Voice of Winter”.)
First, I’ll start with my inspiration. After doing some in depth studies on meter, rhythm, assonance, alliteration, etc… in my school studies, I became rather interested in writing poetry of my own. I began my poetry hobby with my debut poem “The Light Above” on October 5th 2011. However, my poetry writing did not actually spark until one of my greatest friends drew a picture for me of a cup with autumn leaves in it. I was immediately inspired and decided to write the poem “A Cup of Autumn”. “A Cup of Autumn” originally only had twelve verses, but then I decided to add a fourth stanza later in Feb. 2012. This first poem then led me to draw plans for writing poems for the rest of the seasons to create an “Album of Seasons”. I contacted my friend asking her if she would draw original pictures for the other three seasons. After completing my second poem for the epic, “A Breath of Spring” on Feb. 1st 2012, she sketched an awesome picture for me of spring, and the project was well underway. The next poem I wrote was “A Voice of Winter” which was completed Feb. 7th ’12, another wonderful picture followed shortly. “A Spell of Summer” was completed on Feb. 13th ’12, and I received the picture by email to finish the epic! After which, I did some formatting and page setup to create a PDF of the whole epic with an awesome cover page having a collage of the four pieces of artwork on the front! Sticking this epic in the plastic protective sleeves of a folder gave me an immense sense of accomplishment as I had successfully finished a great work of art in my eyes!
And that is how these four masterpieces came together! I now write poetry very frequently with some spells of dryness in inspiration and then some days of incredible inspiration…it all depends on the circumstances! I now encourage you readers to view the following links to the poems: “The Light Above”, “A Breath of Spring”, “A Spell of Summer”, “A Cup of Autumn”, and “A Voice of Winter”. I have written dozens of poems since these very first ones, but these seem to have the deepest place in my heart, as my greatest works of art!
Also, if you are interested in seeing/owning the final copy of my epic, “An Album of Seasons”, you can contact me by email at: and I will give you a free PDF copy of the whole finalized epic!
With that being said, I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and also hope that you have enjoyed my past poetry releases on Triond…I hope to continue to write poetry for your enjoyment and edification! Thanks for viewing and…cheers!