Dear Triond readers – Arthur won’t be with you for a few days coz he’s going on his holidays – signed, Arthur’s Mum.
Why I Will Be Away From my Computer For Five Whole Days
Imagine going off from my computer and not writing for Triond or other websites and bogs for five whole days. Unthinkable – treason! Treachery!
Alas, I will be inflicting just such cold turkey withdrawal symptoms on myself over the Easter 2013 period. It will be a chance to attend a science fiction convention, drink beer and actually talk to people face to face rather than through a virtual medium.
Naturally I will be stockpiling ideas for what to write about on my return in early April. There’ll be reviews of the convention itself, the town of Bradford, Yorkshire, and a look at the various books I’ll acquire at the Con.
We need to live a life to be able to write about it and to stop us simply being keyboard proles.
I can remember a time before computers in my life and of course, there was life for centuries before a word was written on paper or papyrus. I wonder what I would have done then, but my imagination fails me. Oh I can imagine others doing great things, being kings, slaves, priests, etc – just not me. I just don’t see me fitting in to the past at all.
Today I’m an agency employee and part time writer though often I try to live as if it was the other way round – At the moment my Triond pages are doing well, and its mostly from being here in person to throw more coal on the fire. I have submitted seven articles in a day of late and it is getting me some more attention. A review I wrote of the TV play Abigail’s Party has had 369 reads today alone – but once I abandon and desert my post for the best part of a week, will that kind of readership be maintained? Will I return to find my audience has gone off to do other stuff and I have to build up from scratch again?
Overall, I think all will be well. Life is giving me a rich vein of ideas and themes to write on – I never experience Writer’s Block. I just hope the various writing workshops I attend at Eastercon help make my writing even stronger time will tell – cya soon, Triond.