What do you do if the site that most of your articles go to is not part of the bonus month special?
Many writers who write on Triond are understandably glad when Triond offers a bonus payment for a given month. In such months it is stated that if you write a certain amount of articles that are published on certain specified affiliate sites you will receive a special bonus. Not everyone may be fully enthusiastic with this. “How so?” you say. Well, many people in Triond write mainly religious articles that are, as a general rule, published on Relijournal which has so far been out of these bonus month deals. Others perhaps mainly write about Triond and content writing sites like Hubpages, Bukisa etc. Perhaps, they write about writing in general. These articles may be finding themselves very often in Writinghood which may not be a part of the bonus deal. What do you do if you do not plan to write too many articles outside of your preferred field?
The Key – Tweaking Your Category Before Submitting
The answer may be easier than you realize depending on which sites you have devoted more time to. Tweak the category of your article before submitting.
(1) Religious Articles
If you write mainly religious articles submit your article under the “Society”category. That usually sends it to Socyberty for publishing instead of Relijournal. Make sure, of course that your article has a society feel about it as well before you submit it. You can use the word society in the title, within the article and in the tags. Relate your religious article to something happening in society to make it relevant. (Now let us not all start using the word “society” in our titles. That would be disturbing! It was just an idea.) Although Relijournal specializes in religious articles and is therefore is seen as THE religious site out of all the Triond affiliate sites, note that Socyberty publishes religious articles as well and has a category for it on that site.
(2) Articles on Writing
Articles about content writing sites and writing in general are often sent to Writinghood when you select the “About writing” category. If Writinghood is not part of the bonus month special you can try the “Internet” category because after all, is not your article about writing on the world wide web? When the “Internet” category is chosen your article will often go to “Webupon” instead.
(3) Poems
If Authspot is not part of the bonus deal and you write mainly poems, it is not the end of the world. Write a very short, good, content-filled paragraph before and after your poem. Do not state anywhere that your article is a poem. Make it seem that the poem is incidental to your article and not your article itself. Let the poem be about society (Socyberty) which is your best bet, Health (Healthmad), Money (Bizcovering or Gomestic), the age of technology (Webupon) or submit it under the “Offbeat” category and it should go to PurpleSlinky.
(4) Music Articles
Do not despair if Musicouch is not part of the deal. Write about music in society and enter it under the “Society” category and it will most likely be published by Socyberty. I have found that the “Offbeat” category leads directly to PurpleSlinky since that website has the categories ”Humor, Jokes, Offbeat and Trivia.” Many of the articles published within PurpleSlinky in their “Offbeat” section are, to my mind, not offbeat and are on all sorts of topics so PurpleSlinky is an option for those needing to tweak their category to avoid their article not being counted as part of the deal.
(5) Movie Articles
Articles on movies should find some link with something in society (Socyberty), the web (Webupon), downloading music on the web (Webupon), music using the computer (Computersight), Those writing about books not wanting them to go to Writinghood in a particular bonus month can tweak their article to one that is about books on the web (Webupon) or send it to the “Offbeat” category and hope that it goes to PurpleSlinky.
(6) Articles on Autos
Those writing about autos need to write about finding vehicles at the best prices on the internet and enter it in the “Internet”category (Webupon) or maybe in the “Business” category (Bizcovering). There is also the option of the “Domestic” category (Gomestic) which will need some article tweaking. If this is not done I believe that it will automatically go to Quazen. (No pun intended on “automatically”).
(7) Gaming
If Gameolosophy is not part of the bargain the solution is the same as stated above. Let me reiterate. Write on gaming on the net or the best prices of certain games on the net and submit it under the “Internet” category. It can be published by Webupon. If it is about prices it can be put under “Business” and go to “Bizcovering.” Write about sports games and get it published on Sportales.
Whatever is your area of interest or expertise, if your favored Triond affiliate site is not part of that month’s bonus deal, all is not lost. Modify your article to suit any site. This is not a fool-proof method but it often works. This will develop your writing flexibility as well as your knowledge as you tailor your ideas to meet the demands of a more varied readership. You will be a better writer in the end than if you stuck to one site and became a one-dimensional writer. Now that does not mean that you stop writing for sites that are not mentioned in the bonus special. It may be the moment for your articles to shine on the sites that are not among the chosen few when everyone is taken up with the bonus sites. Edify but diversify.
Do you want to write online? Why not join Triond here:
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