This article will tell you how to enrich your article with extra content without breaking other people copyrights…
If you are reading this post that means that in this point you are already a member of Triond community (or other writing community)! You already published few articles (if not please refer to this post about how to publish your first articles) and you already know the basic steps in order to promote your work and gain more views (it not please refer to this post about how to get more views). However, your article contains mostly text, and we all know that this is not advisable.
In this article I will go over your possibilities in enriching your text. We will talk about what can you add to your article, how do you do so, and where can you find free non-copyright content you can add! So let’s get started.
Adding links to your article
There are many links you can add to your article. However, it is important to choose links that are really relevant to the article itself. Both so they will actually enrich the content of your article, and due to SEO reasons.
The links you can add depends heavily on your article. If you write a report about a phenomenon or research, or even an opinion article about something that happened – you are more than welcome to link your article to the source of the news / research / event. On the other hand, if your article is describing a product, service or company it is more than logical that you will add a link to this product, service location, and company web-site. Other links you can add are links to close minded articles, or articles of similar content (very popular, especially in linking to self-written old articles), affiliation links (to product that related to your article) and etc.
How do I add links to my article?
There are two ways to add links to your article. The first is just to paste the address as a text into the article and the second one is to embed the link into your article (like I did in this article first paragraph). The second way is better both for human and SEO. In the first way – readers must copy the link and paste it in their address bar, while in the second one – they just have to press the link (easier, and therefore, better change they will do so). In addition, in the first way there is nothing that tells search engines that this is indeed a link – so they will not connect this link with your article (you loss a backlink to the old article, and a connection point to this one!).
In order to embed a link into your article you need to mark the needed text and press the “Insert / edit link” button (mark in red).
Now a window will pop up. Enter your link in the proper place (marks with red arrow).
and press Insert.
Make sure that the words you use as the text for the link (the text you will highlight) will give a good description to the link, but in order to help readers, and for good SEO.
Copyrights problems
As far as I can tell, as long as you link to the original location, there is no copyright issue, since you just publish the original work, in its original place.
Adding pictures to your article
Adding pictures to your article is a great way to enrich them. It adds a lot and can motivate a person that mistakenly entered your article to read it. It is important to choose pictures that are both relevant to the article and attractive to the eye.
How do I add pictures to my article?
There are two ways to add pictures to your article. The first and easiest is to use the “Get Image Suggestions” (mark in red)
Pressing this button will load pictures that were found relevant to your test, and the you just need to put then marks where you want the picture to be placed and press the right picture.
However, many time I failed to find good pictures there, and (or) wish to add pictures to external source. for that we will use the “Insert Image” button (mark in red).
Now this pop-up will be opened:
If you want to upload a picture from your computer – choose the first option. If it is a picture from a web-page – choose the second one.
Copyrights problems
If you used the first “Get Image Suggestions” option – then you have no problem, since this mechanism only upload pictures from non-copy rights locations or pictures with “Creative commons” license (allows other to use the pictures as long as the mention the original source).
If you are uploading the pictures yourself – you must make sure that you are allowed to use them. Either because you are the creature, or because the creature allows you / published the picture anther a license that gives you the ability to use it.
Notice – most pictures online are protected by copyrights and you are not allowed to use them! A good source for images and pictures you are allowed to use is this free of copyrights website (notice the embedded link!). However, for each picture you must read the exact license in order to be sure you are using t without breaking the creature copyrights.
Adding videos to your article
This is by far the best way to enrich your article. If the say a picture is worth a thousand words, and a movie is worth a thousand pictures, than you do the math….
How do I add videos to my article?
You need to embed them into the article using the “Embed a YouTube video” button (mark in red).
This will open this pop-up window (in the picture) where you will a paste the link to the YouTube video and press “Embed video”.
Copyrights problems
Noticed you can only add YouTube videos. This is in order to prevent copyrights problems. Since most videos on YouTube as a “Creative commons” license (allows other to use the video). However it is your responsibility to make sure that the original own of the video choose to grant anyone with promising to use the video. If you are not sure – do not use it!
It is important to enrich your content in order to improve your article, mostly for the readers, but also for SEO reasons. There are many ways to do so, and it is important to use as many as possible (as long as it is logical of course). However, it is even more important not to steal someone else work or hurt his copyrights. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to the source of where you are taking your pictures / videos from and make sure you are allowed to do so.
This article explained to you how to enrich your article and not to break copyrights while doing it. I hope you found it useful. In the next article of the Triond Beginner Guide, I will go over ways to find new ideas for articles.
Good luck 