Have you ever had a look at the topic suggestions that Triond offers up for inspiration? It is a list of the most popular topics trending online right now.
When you are pondering on what to submit on Triond and you are lost for inspiration do you ever have a nosey at the ‘Topic Suggestions’? I don’t normally but tonight I was bored and thought I would have a look to see what was going on in the world that Triond think are topics that are worth suggesting.
This is what Triond say on the page:
Below is a real-time list of the most popular topics trending on-line.
To find out more about each topic, click on it and see the latest links to news articles, blog posts and web search results.
There is no better time than now to write about these hot topics!
Surely I can’t be the only one to see the error therein. If it is a list of the most popular topics trending on-line right now then surely the best time to write about those topics would have been before they became popular topics trending on-line right now! By writing on these topics all you are doing is saturating the market place with articles written about things that have already been written about by people whose writing will already be decidedly higher on Search Engines than your piece would be.
Anyway, the topic suggestions that Triond throw up are;
- anwar al awlaki
- stacey dash
- black eyed peas central park
- courageous
- homeland
- martyn
- bank of america
- take shelter
- delonte west
- eastman kodak
- ecri
- steve bartman
- 50 50
- demi moore and ashton kutcher
- red tide
- melissa gorga
- matt moore
- cj wilson
- dreamhouse
- occupy wallstreet
Nope, me neither! But what I really want to know is where Triond get the information from that these are the most popular trending topics on-line right now. I just went and looked at the top 10 trending topics on Yahoo UK and found them to be;
- Veggie recipes
- Alesha Dixon
- EuroMillions
- Anita Dobson
- Tess Daly
- Russel Grant
- HP Touchpad
- Dating Sites
- Anwar Al-Awlaki
- Saving accounts
Only one of those ten is on the list that Triond say are the most popular topics. As you will have noticed though that was from Yahoo UK, so what about Yahoo.com?
- Stacey Dash
- Jack Osbourne
- Lisa Stelly
- Rachel Weisz
- Bankruptcy
- Anna Faris
- The Onion
- Portishead
- Extremely Loud
- Fish Oil
So from Yahoo.com that’s just one as well that is also on the Triond list of most popular topics right now. What about Google though – the king of Search Engines – perhaps that matches Triond list more than Yahoo does. And indeed it does match it – exactly in fact.
So there you have it, conclusive proof that the topic suggestion Triond offer up to you as the most popular search terms right now is the exact list that Google trends offers up. Which is a good thing if you like that kind of thing. Having said that though, one shouldn’t always rely on Google so it might be worth looking at some of those trends that Yahoo offer up for inspiration to write.
It worked for me this time!