The content management area of EMC is growing faster than ever. Customers and partners of EMC can become certified in numerous career tracks in content management, but before any future decisions can be made, the qualifying exam must be passed. This exam, E20-120, is for the Content Management Foundations certification, the associate level certification for three tracks: Application Developer, System Administrator, and Technology Architect.
This level of certification is the most important for anyone who is interested in entering any of the roles listed above because it verifies basic, foundational knowledge that will be used and incorporated in the specialist level. It focuses on the basic operation of the Documentum platform, which includes products like TaskSpace, CenterStage, Webtop, xPlore, Composer, and Forms Builder. Participants must be skilled in each and every component of Documentum to ensure success in future endeavors under the content management umbrella. Furthermore, topics covered in this program include the platform architecture, administration of DQL and Documentum applications, workflow management, system groups/users, and the features, benefits, and characteristics of an enterprise content management system as created under EMC Documentum.
Because this is a foundational certification, it is extremely important that rigorous education is completed to ensure that all skills are on par with the standards of all major companies. EMC offers an instructor led training course and a self-paced course to go along with this certification, while a practice exam and several technical publications can also be used for preparation purposes. Once earning this certification, candidates can move on to beginning a career in any of the three niches present in the content management field of EMC.