Alright you maladjusted nit wits, ya, ya you know who you are the ones sitting behind your computers, cell phones, exct.per-tending to be anyone but who you truly are, judging others and telling them how they should live there life’s, you old 40 something year olds using fake pictures and breathing heavy to sound like Clint Eastwood with the shear audacity that can only be acredited to the fact your not baised in realty, your minds melded with your michines, the technology you cling to so desperetly. Then theres those 26 somethingish wana be trailer park trash losers who can’t take the fact that oh my! some one has more personalty then me and is better liked by there peers then me! Squeak! huffy sigh! Lets all stair at her and hate her becuse in real life we couldn’t even aproch her becuse the truth is my god she is so far above us. Yah suger this ones for you guys, Oh lets not leave out the stalkers yah this ones for you all so listen up babe’s cus I’m going to only write this once but it will sit for eternity on the internet and you can look at my pretty face every day and remember ” that’s the chick I wana be like, or thats the chick I coulda had, Or thats the chick I could never get.” Yah and i know you’ll think it, I know you’ll look at me and I know you’ll read this becuse you’r life evolves around me. Ha yeah cus i am just that good. So do me a favor while you hear starring like me, yeah scroll down and like this, ha ha mine as well get paid since you morons aren’t going away So hear it goes people, I am not perfect, I don’t claim the corner on knowledge, thou i know allot for my age, and I maybe a bitter pill to swallow but i am the medicine you most likely need most, I am no angel but I am damn close to being one despite the horrid accusations that are flung around, Yeah I got my haters, my critics, my cynics who try there best to brake me down, Why thou is my question? Why do you think you need to tell me what you think of me? I really don’t care. I mean if apathy could kill Y’all would be long gone. I’ll tell you a secret I learned that most people don’t get and will never understand, the reason why people love me so easily is simple I know love, I am not talking romantic, or any of that i am talking unconditional love, towards our peers and neighbors and friends, I can make people feel like the only person in a crowded room becuse to me the person i am talking to my world, it is a matter of caring enough to pay attention to know and relate to others, and truly care about each individual for who they are. All I do is care about people. Something most people don’t do but that is why i am so well liked by many. Those who hate me have seen my bad side, seen me get ugly and play dirty, I make a grate villain becuse i have bin a hero. I still am a hero and i prefer to be a hero to being a pathetic fallacy of a human being, I have achieved far more then most my elders have, I am virtuous, and intelligent, i have a versatile personalty and i can adapt to any situation, I’ve bin threw heaven and hell to get ware I am at and nothing anyone can say will change me, ya i have had more dates in my 22 then most get in there whole life but never have i compromised my virtue for any man, and yup i broke allot of harts, but i have had mine broken to, and took it with the grace of a woman not the tears of a child, I am guilty of being in love with being in love but that is no crime, in fact life would be so much easyer for many if they learned to love with out restraint, and I am so sorry it has offended people, but i think it is more jealousy becuse you want to be able to love but can’t get past your fears, your inability to cope with your past damage has made you the bitter, cynical old person you all have become, that face you cant look at in the mirror is the inner child you kicked to the side and said do it for your self kid, love you you cus i don’t love me. Well i min there done that and i went back to the place i left my self behind picked up my self and took my hand and turned on the light and walked out the door now I am at a place ware I know who i am and i truly love me, So i am sorry for those who cant love them selves but don’t rain on my day all we have is our last breath and when it ends and we never know when that breath comes or when it ends, so tell me what will you do with that breath?