A good assignment writer starts writing the assigned project as soon as possible. He knows that if he delays writing his assignment, he risks not being able to submit it on time. He also knows that if he delays writing assignment, he might be forced to hurry up and sacrifice the overall quality of his project.
There are too many good reasons to read before hitting that assignment. Performing a bit of research and reading relevant resource materials has long been part of the coursework protocol. This protocol is what makes a piece truly academic.
However, higher institutions had made such protocol too tedious. Not too tedious for students’ liking – as this is not really about preference. Rather, it became too tedious to be enjoyed. And such lack of fun elements makes the prior reading activity less palatable, and more of a bore.
This isn’t particularly good; reading has its functions that are worth every effort spent on it. Reading good reference materials is good for doing coursework and below is three of the top reasons to consistently do so:
1. Materials impart knowledge and insights.
Reference materials are physically a container which is used to capture facts – that is knowledge. However, such materials, through the manner of presenting knowledge (i.e., style, format, and tone), is inevitably exuding insights. Both knowledge and insights can be used to formulate answers or design alternatives for an assignments’ given problem.
2. Reading preps the thinking mind.
When students are to toil on a coursework, their minds have to actively take into its thinking function. It is observed that without prior reading, the mind is slow to absorb the given details of the assignment, as well as, lag in devising logical methods to answer it.
The effect is contrary if students were to invest a short time of reading before tackling the assignment. What students will, however, have to take caution is reading a bit too much. Information overload is that phenomenon by which one’s mind is unable to do anything else due to the excessive accumulation of knowledge. In the context of assignment, information overload will render the student unproductive.
Put it this way: envision your working mind to be a blank paper. When you read, you are able to input bits of information on those paper and work on these ‘little bits.’ But with too much reading and subsequent information overload, that blank paper is profusely filled with every type of information, taking away space that is needed for students to formulate their own ideas.
3. Materials provide substantial content
This is the case for borrowed texts. Such texts are subject to the referencing formats prescribed by the institution/tutor. These borrowed texts either serve to support your own claims, or function as the base of your piece (to which you build upon more of your own texts).
Reading is simply another form of coursework help. It helps you in ways both obvious and obscure. Hence, read before every assignment and don’t ever take away the fun in reading.
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