I’ll tell you why Triond is the stuff. (The good stuff)
Yeah so Triond you might be wondering aw man, I’m not getting no money i should just quit this stuff.
Trust me Triond will help i mean I’m going up about 5 cents a day, and that may not be allot but I’ve only got 7 articles and thats funding me quite a bit.
I was about to quit Triond when i had 0 cash not even a cent and published 5 articles, but after the sixth i got 3 cents and it all started to go up. Trust me dont give up. I know this is a quickie article but threes not much else to say.
Be sure to check out my other articles and favourite comment rate and like! 
Triond must stay actIve!
Triond must stay active!
Triond must stay active!
Triond must stay active!