For anyone who loves to blog, here are a few tips on how to turn that past time into a paying gig. These five tips are easy to do and implement, and can really make a difference in what you blog.
Whether you are blogging for fun or for your future career, you can turn a profit on your blog right now by following a few simple steps. They are easy and free, and it only takes a few extra minutes each time you blog to supplement your income. These tips will help you get money month after month, even long after you’ve stopped blogging. Go to these websites today and get started making money now.
If You Don’t Have a Blog Already, I Highly Recommend WordPress
Although there are many great blogging sites, WordPress makes it so easy to share your blogs and cross promote, it will instantly make you feel like a Blogging Pro. As an added bonus, anytime anyone mentions your blog, it shows up immediately in your comments section. It’s a great way to see who is marketing you as an expert while also receiving sweat-free access to a potential audience.
Next, Go To Helium.Com
Helium is an excellent tool for any writer. Not only does this fabulous site give you hundreds of ideas on what to write about, but you can also have other writers rate your articles thus giving you an idea of how talented you may be, or how much harder you may need to work. Offering paying jobs and contests on a weekly basis, this website can actually grow your income quickly while also supplying much needed inspiration.
Now Go To
One of the best things about Triond is that this website publishes dozens of websites for all types of writing genres. Whether you want to publish a basic How-To blog, submit a poem, or even just post a picture, you can send it to Triond and they will find the right website for it. Then sit back and watch those same articles make money month after month, even when you’re sick of blogging and would rather shoot yourself then write one more word. (Just remember, if you are going to submit the same article to both companies, alter it so that you will not have to worry about copyright issues.)
Once You’ve Submitted Your Blog, It’s Time to Digg It
At Triond and Helium, you make money when people read your blogs at their sites. The best way to get your readers to those sites is to create links from your personal blog. takes all of the guesswork out of this step when you submit it to their website. All you have to do is click on the Digg link at the bottom of your newly posted article and follow the posting steps, the last being to post the article to your personal blog. Then just copy and paste the first couple paragraphs into the description, and your work is done. As an added bonus, you can also promote your blogs by sending them to your Digg-friends and asking them to “Digg It,” thus increasing your readership and income potential.
Lastly, Stumble Your Article
Sign up for a account and be sure to download their handy toolbar. Then, whenever you post a new blog, just give that blog a “thumbs up” and ask your Stumble friends to do the same. For each thumbs up you get, Stumbleupon will direct approximately 200 people to that posting. (Just be careful when using Stumbleupon since it can be a highly addicting website.)
In the beginning, you will only earn pocket change for each blog. But, blogging in this fashion will soon have a snowball effect. Every blog you write will intrigue your readers to look at other blogs. The more people read and return to your blogs, the more money you make. Your articles will keep making you money for years as long as you are a busy blogger. This is how many bloggers on the Net make six-figure blogging incomes. Think about it. How lovely would it be to supplement your income while waiting to finally make the National Bestsellers list? You’ve got nothing to lose, and huge profits to gain.