How to keep readers coming back, and how to promote your articles.
Being an online writer, isn’t the most profitable way to write. There’s hundreds of thousands of other people trying to do exactly what you are doing – make money online through writing articles. And all you get is pretty much ad revenue for doing so. But, there are ways to reap the most out of it. And below I’ll explain how.
1) Make sure your articles arn’t too long. The longer your articles are, the less of a chance of people even actually reading it, and less of a chance of them actually coming back to your other articles. The attention spans of people while they’re online are not effecient when it comes to reading other people’s articles… Especially if they’re trying to get paid to do the same thing.
2) Make sure your break down of the articles are clear, and easy to read. The larger your paragraphs, and the less separated your information is, the more of a chance of people yet again – not reading it, and less of a chance of them coming back. The more spread out your info is, the easier it is to read, and the clearer the information is. Meaning, the info will sink in, and they will take interest.
3) Make sure your articles actually are interesting. You may be in a rush to post dozens upon dozens of articles, and really think people are going to read them all and thus make you money.. You couldn’t be more wrong. The more articles you post – IF lacking interest, the more of a chance of you getting less readers, less people ACTUALLY reading it, and therefore less money in the end.
4) Don’t just expect to make money with only Triond users viewing your articles. This is close to a dead man zone. Money seekers expecting other money seekers to really view your work and keep coming back? May help a little, but it’s not the best way. Try promoting your articles on your Facebook, Myspace, and other social networking sites. You can even post them on forum websites, that pertain to the particular articles info. An example of that would be, if you post an article about fixing cars – you’d obviously want to post that on a forum site about people seeking info about fixing their car. It’s pretty simple. Just may be a little time consuming.
5) Get friends to join Triond and/or to click “like” for Facebook while they are on your articles page. Getting your friends to join Triond, may be easy depending upon if they even like to write. But if they’re searching for some extra money, just say “hey, I’m making a few bucks a week here on Triond. It’s really easy, all you do is write about things that interest you and other people, and then you make some cash. I’ll create some cash for you by viewing your articles, liking them, then sharing them on my facebook. And in return, you can do the same for me
”. Obviously you can do this with Triond users that are already here, but again – don’t rely on it. As far as friends not joining, but clicking “like” for facebook while they’re on your articles page, that is also good. Make sure they don’t click “like” for your share on FB.. Make sure they click “like” while they’re on your actual article. It’s located underneath your article with a button that says “like”.
6) Using good tags. Last, but certainly not least – using good tags. You will notice after writing an article, they ask for tags. Tags are words that will link people to your article, if they type in those keywords in the search bar when looking for other people’s work. This is good exposure, if you write many tags that relate to your article. Take a look at the ones I use for this particular one, to get an idea.
Hope this has helped some of you Triond users!
Happy writing!