I am concerned that things are going Kaput here(and they are making fools of you and me!). Frozen Earnings Not Your Business.
Friends thank you for your kind inputs. I would like to voice my concerns(yet one more time!!!). Forgive me, I am trying hard not to sound complaining, I have long since realized that there is no point in complaint especially not on this website! Because the management rarely responds!(Even if it is inconsistencies and lapses in our payments, which has become a permanent patter this year!)
…I am reminded of a poem(I read a long time ago) which advocates that you bury your pain, never complain! For Complaint is Cheap!
Still, (if there is something we can do. I want to do it!) I also believe that if we aren’t happy about the way things are we should try to change them(rather than just pack your bags and leave!).Whining is not the best way to get started but at least it helps bring out your discontent.
I don’t intend to leave this site till I am convinced that there is really NO POINT in going on (and on)over here. There are other avenues like Expertspages which I am soon going to present from(thanks to the advice of a certain Triond friend, not sure if he’d want me to mention his name).
Anyway, displaying my Earnings which have been very much the same since the start of this year. How can one have 4981 views and earn only 17 cents in 7 days(look at activity table below). It’s outrageous! Even though, I would like to earn a decent income from the internet, this is not about it. Rather, I am concerned that things are going Kaput here(and they are making fools of you and me!). Frozen Earnings Not Your Business
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