In this article changing the mindset plays an important role in the law of attraction…
Rom. 12:2 (NIV): “be transformed by the renewing of your mind…..”
Often times I hear these words: “What the Mind Conceives the Body Achieves”. How true is this statement? Is there something we can learn from this? Or you hear people saying “You have to work hard to earn Money” etc. (If I write all these beliefs it may cover the whole blog ha ha ha…) Anyway, there are just some of the beliefs we hear from other people. Some and most have benefited in which you can see it manifest in their lives. But what if I say that what you believe is what you are? I’m sure many who will read this will react but it is true.
Your life is what you believe in. As I have mentioned in my previous post that the mind plays an important role in Life Creation. When it come to Life Creation, Creation is a Mindset. In my previous post I mentioned that Jesus came that you may have life and all its abundance (John 10:10) but this will not matter if you don’t believe it. Words are powerful and it is the gauge of Life and Death. Remember when GOD said “Let there be light” and truly Light was created. So, what’s got to do with Mindset? That out of the abundance of your thoughts the mouth speak. It is said in the bible that “Out of the abundance the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45) but it also says “As a man think in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). What comes out of your thought you speak forth. If in your mind you are angry or irritated because of something you thought about (e.g. receiving monthly bills, notice of disconnection, notice of vacation etc.) you may not notice you speak of angry words or you tend to get angry and the moment you get angry what ever or who ever you see will make you angry. Most people say this “Maybe he or she woke up on the wrong side of the bed” but what they don’t understand behind this is that the Mind is most powerful when you wake up. So, the moment you wake and the first thought that came to your mind got you angry, most of the day you will be angry.
So change the Mindset. How? By reading some positive words and think of it over and over again. And while thinking it over and over start to imagine what is the feeling of achieving it. An example of something to think of is this statement: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10). As you think of the statement what is the feeling of being taken care of our Creator? Imagine what HE Said: Test me on This! In the whole Bible this is the only statement where you see that the LORD wants to be tested, the rest says “Do not put the LORD your GOD to the Test”. (Luke 4:12, Deuteronomy 6:16). Imagine the LORD pouring out all the money and blessings the moment you give your money as Tithes! (I used money here as Tithes can be your time and other important things to you). If you feel GOOD now with this and that is VERY GOOD because GOOD things only happen when you feel GOOD. Now you have an Inspired Action: That every time you give, the LORD gives you more. I Tell you the moment you change your Mindset and keep on thinking a statement like I told you above you will get more. Start with something small and eventually it will grow BIG. Remember even and Apple Tree didn’t just grew as an Apple Tree but it started as a SEED. So your Mindset will be your seed and in time by your positive Mind set you will grow it like and Apple Tree. The mustard seed the smallest seed of all becomes the Biggest Tree of them All. Good Day!