Erin Miller and I are very close to being ready to publish our joint anthology on amazon kindle, just not quite yet.
If you are one of those sensible enough to have bought my two e-books previously published, then you have no need to take a look at my author page at , but if you have not, then by visiting you will see from the reviews how well worth buying they are. I recently wrote about the fact that, as a result of my winning her short-story competition, Erin Miller had rewarded me by offering to co-author a new anthology from the two of us.
To keep everyone updated, I currently have my pet proof-reader ( my wife actually!) going through all the stories to recommend corrections etc. Erin still has one story left to send me, but I would anticipate getting the finished book – which BTW will be entitled WE AIM TO PLEASE – sometime around the beginning of March. Erin wants us to pricethe kindle edition at $3.99 – she will taking care of getting a print version out, though the price on that she has yet to decide.
I think you will find that as writers Erin and I have unique and identifiable styles, and I hope you will think the finished product worth it. I will admit that I was quite surprised, on reading the tales Erin sent me, to find that her tastes range as far and wide as my own, so within this volume of twenty stories, ranging in length from macro-fiction shorts of 500 words to meatier stories at up to 2000 words, there will be something for every taste, and it seems to me that the individual styles Erin and I have play off each other very well.
I found, when first contacting this gifted girl that was somewhat defensive about her life and sexuality, but since I have a younger sister who has never had any relationship other than with members of her own sex – she and her female partner have been together for twenty years – I have no issue with the sexual preferences of any other person. I suspect that with Erin, once you get past the initial spikiness by being genuine, she is probably a pussy cat.
That she is a talented young lady is not in doubt, and like Sarah Holt, another triond lady writer/artist for whom I have the greatest admiration, she is equally gifted in producing art as with the written word, even if you need to think about her work a little when first seeing it. That, to me, ids the secret of her artistry – she gives you, as indeed I hope my meagre efforts do, food for thought, and that surely is what art of all kinds should be aiming to do?
There is also, BTW, the possibilty of my publishing another collection of short fiction of my own – general fiction, though I still have several more stories to complete for it, as well as perhaps two collections of poetry, something else I take great pleasure in writing and which viewers seem to enjoy greatly. The new e-book is well on the way to coming to fruition, and I have to say that I hope it will please all of you as much as the creation of it has pleased me. I will keep everyone informed, so watch out for more news soon