…from some interesting observations, there appears to be specific days that you will earn the highest revenue.
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I’m starting to notice a trend that I thought was quite interesting when it comes to my online article earnings. It appears that the days my earnings rise the most are Tuesday – Thursday. Saturday and Sunday are second, while Mondays and Fridays are definitely in last place.
Logically, I can see how this makes perfect sense. Mondays are typically “back from the weekend days”, most people are trying to wake up the whole next day, return email and phone messages and get back into the swing of the work week. Conversations with co-workers are probably a bit more extensive on Monday since people typically want to hear about their co-workers weekends. And, on Friday, most people’s minds are already halfway into their weekend, firming up plans, finishing up last minute projects and sometimes skipping out of the office a bit earlier than usual. Thus, on both days people are simply not reading online articles as much as they are Tuesday – Thursday.
The middle three days of the week are really the time when everyone settles into their work schedules and focus more on computer work, with various online reading breaks to help get them through the day. It seems Wednesday and Thursday are exceptionally great days for online readership traffic. (Keep these key days in mind for anything you plan on doing online, marketing, etc.)
So why does Saturday and Sunday fall second in earnings? For the majority of the population that works a M-F schedule, Saturdays and Sundays are definitely the days most people are free to do whatever they want to do with their time. While many people use this time to catch up with family and friends, there is also plenty of time and need to just relax, catch up on reading and enjoy an easy going day.
So in much the same way that experts believe you can predict stock market trends, it appears you can also predict online viewership trends. Now, to make the most of this observation, try to experiement. Publish and post more articles on Tuesday – Thursday. If your earnings begin to significantly skyrocket on these specific days, you’ll know for sure that this observation was not only correct, it’ll prove to be one of the exceptional keys to your growing success.
And, why didn’t I wait to publish this article on these promisingly prime week days? Was too excited to share this new information with others. But very much looking forward to testing it out. Will be publishing, posting, and sharing more articles for sure on these extra special days.
What have your observations been? Would love to know?
Joie Schmidt © Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.
For a complete e-book of poetry by Joie Schmidt, “Dreams of the Heart” Amazon’s Kindle or “Dreams of the Heart” (Adobe Reader)
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