You are at the lookout to increase your number of views? Read this article!
You are a newbie Triond writer. You wrote a few articles that got acceptable – and this is great (if you still did not publish any article, or you have problems publishing articles on Triond please read this post). However, you are disappointment from the number of views you receive. This is understandable. This article will teach you how to increase the number of views you receive for each article.
In order to increase the number of views, you need your article to have better exposure. For that you will need to take some actions. Just sitting back and hoping for a miracle, will rarely work! I will now discuss several ways to increase your article exposure.
Triond is a community
If you will ask around you will find out that Triond is not the best writing site. However, what makes Triond one of the most successful writing site (aside from its simplicity) is its great writer community!
Triond has an enormous writer community! We take pride in being active community members. We support each other, read each other articles, comment each other articles, tip each other on various subjects (including writing and publishing), teach each other and not less importantly we help each by using our promoting tools in order to promote other community member’s articles.
So if Triond is such a great community – why do not you use it? Become one of us. Start by finding people on Triond you enjoy their writing – become their fan, send them a private message about how much you enjoy their writing, leave comments on their articles. Soon, you will be noticed in the community, and other people will start to read your articles (more views) and will become your fans. If you will be active and supporting you will soon become part of the community and will enjoy its benefits.
Two words of advice:
- Do not just add people as friends / fans in order to try and get more views without becoming part of the community – it will not work. Moreover, when I see on someone profile that he / she just added a lot of inactive users – I know that I am facing someone that does not bother to blend in and only ask for views – so I will treat him / her accordingly, and I am not the only one.
- When you leave a comment on some one article, try to make sure it will be meaningful and will show that you actually read the article. I know it is not always possible but try not to just write “good share” or something like that, people might think you are not really reading their work and get insulted!
SEO in the Queen
The first rule you learn when you enter the world of writing is “content is the king”. Do not get me wrong, this is the truth! However, even if your content is of best quality – if search engines do not rank it high enough – no one will see it! Therefore, it is very important to learn at least the basic ways and tools that exist in the field.
The first and most important thing you must learn is keywords. You must find good keywords for your content. A great (and free) tool for that is Google adWord. You can use it both in order to check the efficiency of the keywords you have and also in order to find new keywords related to the one you already have.
Important thing to know about keywords:
- Do not use words that have too many “hits” in Google search engine. If there are many hits you do not have a good chance to make it to the first page in Google (the only one that matter).
- Do not use words that are rarely searched for in Google – you are wasting your time.
- Keywords should be about 2%~5% of your content. More than that and the search engine will identify it as keyword spamming and will downgrade your page.
Social networks and social bookmarking
If by using good SEO you are improving the chances that someone will run into your article, by using social networks or social bookmarking you are actively putting your content in front of many people and telling them it is worth reading it.
Today I think everyone knows the power of social networks and social bookmarking, so I will not explain it here (however if you are interested you are invited to read this post about the power of social networks, just to get the main idea). However, if you want them to work for you, you must “play” by their rules and be social! In addition, each network / bookmarking site has it own rules, tips and ways. Therefore, it is important to spend some time to understand how it works before you start throwing links of your content into it.
The main social networks used are usually Facebook and Twitter. The main social bookmarking sites are stumbleupon, Digg and Reddit. There are more, of course, many many more. However, those are the most profitable ones, and since you need to invest time in order to get results – you better stick with a few that give you good results. Also, you can always expend yourself to the other sites as well.
There is little I can tell you about Facebook and Twitter that was not already said thousand of times, so if you are not familiar with them (I always suspected that there are aliens out there) – please search a bit. I am sure you will find answers very easy.
Stumbleupon is very straightforward and easy to use, still you must make sure to send your articles to the right category. Digg and Reddit, on the other hand are a bit harder. If you will not use them correctly you will get no results from Digg, and you will probably get ban from Reddit. Before starting to work with them I advice you to read the very detailed guides I wrote about each of them:
– How to use Digg guide.
– How to properly use Reddit guide.
You might also be interested in reading about my Digg trick that can also be used with Reddit and helped me in getting more than 1000 views a month!
edit: Digg is no longer available, however there are many other (maybe even better) replacments like Pinterest and much more. Read this article to learn about many social networks you can use for free in order to promote and market your articles
Promoting, promoting and yet again promoting…
If you want people to read your work you must promote it! There are many other promoting techniques I will only name a few:
- Spread the rumor in you offline and online communities: post about it in related forums, send the link to your friends and make sure people you know are exposed to your work and read it! However, make sure not to be a spammer, only promote your content in places you know people will be open to your promoting. The last thing you want is to be tagged as spammer and loss real life friends due to it.
- Create backlinks to your work! It is a vital tool both for SEO and for pure promoting. Yes, social networks and social bookmarking helps a lot in backlinks, but it is not enough. Find communities that are interested in the content of your work and try to use them for backlinks (again do not over do nor spam!). In addition, there are services and sites that offer free backlinks like this one – use them!
- Link your old articles to your new one. If you have old articles that are related to the new one you are writing – add links to the old articles in the body of the new article. This will both prevent the need to repeat yourself, will reveal the old articles to new users and will add a backlink to your old article! You can see how I did it in this article. Another option to use this idea is to wait until you will have a few articles in the same subject in Triond and then write a summery article about them adding their links into the new article.
- Use other writing sites, for promoting and backlinks tools of your Triond articles. Sites such as expertscolumn allow you to republish your work there and gain money from them as well! I advice against “copy paste” since it reduces your Google rank both in expertscolumn and in Triond. Instead try to write a slightly different version of your article and republish this different version on expertscolumn
- There are many other promoting ways and tips. Just keep an open mind and eye, and you are bound to discover some yourself.
Keep your content updated
Once in a while go back to your old posts – add some pictures, videos, change keywords and etc. However, most importantly keep their content updated. This is both good for your reputation and for SEO reasons – once you update the page, the search engine rescan it and might give if a higher rank in their list.
I hope you found this article useful and that you are now able to improve your number of views and use the full potential of your articles. This article gave you the initial tools how to promote your articles. In the next article of the Triond Beginner Guide, I will cover the aspect of how to enrich the content of your article.
Again – congratulations on becoming a member of the Triond community and welcome aboard.
Good luck 