Getting traffic and page views is the most important step to be successful. Traffic sources are not all equal or the same and you need to know which ones are able to send you the most traffic.
Most of your Triond traffic will come from the Hot Content Section. You can get more than 30.000 visitors per day if one of your pages manage to hit this place. The Hot Content section will be available on the main page as well as on all those Facebook profiles that install Triond application in their Facebook accounts and choose to display Hot Content on their profiles.
The second most important source of traffic is the Triond network. Your articles will show up every time somebody searches for a keyword included in your content or tags. Your articles will show up as well when somebody reads your article and clicks on your name to see what else you wrote, so if you write good articles, people will want to read more from you and will click on your name.
The third most important traffic deliver website is Stumble Upon. With just one click you can get your article in a network which already has more than 6 million people eager to hear from you. Most of the times you will never get more than 1000 visitors but it all depends on the quality of your content. To increase the number of visitors you get with Stumble Upon make 200 friends (the max number allowed) specially with the top Stumblers and join all the groups you are allowed as well. This way you ensure that your article will be seen by the maximum number of people allowed by Stumble Upon. Upload a nice photo to your account to make people want to click on you. Avoid celebrity photos such as Angelina Jolie photos. People are sick of fakes. Just upload a good photo of you or of your favorite cartoon character. Avoid to Stumble websites from people you don’t know. This way you make more room and attention for your pages as well as your friends’.
The forth most important traffic source is Google. This should by in first place but as you can imagine not every one is able to make an article that shows up right in the first place on the Google results. Most of the times your Title keywords will rank in the first page, that is in the best 10 results, so make sure you write important keywords on the title. Google says you should focus on the user to get better results. Since Google Page Rank algorithm ranks the pages based in the importance of the incoming links those pages have, you should make very important articles to get very important links. The information source only has value if important people and other sources or entities trust that source. Making sure people trust your content is half of the way to your success.
The fifth most important traffic source is Yahoo. Altough is has less than the traffic Google has, Triond article seem to rank very high on Yahoo. The advice you need here is already above.
Digg is the next one. I don’t get how this system works and I never manage to get much diggs to my content so go ahead and get information to rank high on Digg somewhere else.
Mixx, Del.icio.us, Technorati and Newsvine are other minor networks that will deliver very little traffic so don’t waste much time with them. Instead you can write another article, publish it and submit it to major networks.
To ensure you have a link in every place you visit have your Triond profile URL ready to be pasted on Forums, Blogs, Directories, and much more. You can’t imagine how useful it is to rank higher on Google.
The deep web or the web search engines can’t index is many times bigger than the web everyone knows. The deep web are the websites that don’t allow to be indexed and websites that require a login and password to access. If you have an account on such websites place your Profile URL in them if you are allowed to. Good examples where you can place your links are social networks such hi5 and myspace, websites you must register to have access such as webhosting for example, forums, and much more.
Google is unable to search the deep web just like any other search engine. The deep web has more and more users every single day. If you noticed there are more and more websites that to have full access to their content you need to login and after you login no search engine can have access to that information and content. This is where you have to take your best shot. Place links in other people content as a comment but make sure the comment is worth reading or you risk being banned as a spammer, place links right after your content and even in your profile if you have one inside that website.
Orkut is a social networks owned by Google now. It’s a great place to make friends as well as to place links. With a lot of friends with similar interests you can build a loyal audience here. Just don’t spam any person or any groups with your content. Just place a link in your profile and if they like it they will come. Never stop making new friends. The more people you have added, the more potential friends you can make since your photo and profile will be on many more other profiles.
MSN Groups and Google groups are great places to advertise your links. People here are eager to read more information. Most people don’t allow marketing links inside their groups so I recommend you to start your own group, make some content there and see the results. However keep in mind the time you spend here because it’s more profitable to make a new article instead sometimes.
As you must have seen by now it all works linking accounts and content through links. Most people don’t ever stop to think that their financial success is achieved only through links. The more places linking to your Profile and Content, the more traffic you will get and the higher your Google rank will be. Keep in mind as well that millions of other webmasters are doing exactly the same go get ready for a tough battle!
To enjoy traffic from unexpected places try to leave your URL in offline places such as a café, in cars, mail boxes and more. Since people now get so many emails about marketing stuff and are tired of clicking links to websites, offline places can be a great way to advertise your content. All you need is a printer and some paper and scissor.
Email is one of the most effective ways to advertise. You should add your Profile URL after each email you send as a signature specially if you communicate a lot by email. Most people forget about this way to promote content. If you have a lot of friends you can even consider sending an email to them about your content, they might like and they might spread the word even more!
Making your own website to promote your Triond content can be a good idea. For example, imagine if you make a website with just the introduction and if people want to read more they have to click on the link to your Triond page, just like some feeds on Google Reader that you have to go to the website if you want to read the entire article. It works the same way, if people want to read the entire article they must go from your website to your Triond page. If you want you can even add the Google Reader gadget to display your latest article on your webpage. Now if you are really serious about sending people to your Triond pages from your website you should make a lot more than just incomplete articles. You should make complete reviews about things you like such as software, hardware, mobile phones, cars, houses, people, and if they want to read even more then they must go to one of your article on Triond.
People are lazy and most people hate to read so if you want to make them to read more you should be always able to catch and keep their attention specially if your article is very long. Add some images along the article to make them stop a little bit and enjoy those nice colorful bits. A Youtube video can be used as well.
Using youtube to get traffic is an excellent idea. Did you know that people upload 10 hours of video into Youtube every minute!? Eric Schimidt said this on a seminar. And did you know that Youtube alone is responsible for 10% of the entire internet traffic? People really like videos and by making a video about your content and adding a link in the end you can create huge stream of traffic. Adding a link on your profile and channel is a good idea as well. Just don’t start spamming users or they will refuse to be your friends!
Don’t join other video websites. Youtube alone has more traffic than all the others combined.
Don’t try to get traffic from very poor places such as automated webtraffic and software traffic. People will never see your site and you are just wasting advertisers’ money and you will get banned from Triond! Other poor places to get traffic are banner exchange networks, manual click exchange, advertisement click exchange, and low life websites.
Ebay can be another great place to get nice traffic! Add your Profile URL in your eBay personal page and watch the traffic coming. This works really good if you are a heavy eBay user with a lot of sales to make and if you buy a lot of stuff. People like new things and when they see your URL in the profile they are very likely to click on it!
Amazon can be another place to add your URL. Just don’t expect so much traffic like on Ebay. Amazon doesn’t have the same number of users…