My first published fiction work is in this anthology of talented authors!!
What is Love?
And why should it impact so differently on each and every one of us?
We can neither touch, smell, see nor hear it, and yet we know it exists, for it is an experience like no other, appearing in an instant or gradually easing into our lives.
It is such a powerful emotion, that we may find ourselves swept up, spun around and wrung out; sometimes in ecstasy, sometimes in misery, and sometimes in sheer passion.
It is an unseen force that permeates though our bodies and minds, filling our thoughts and dreams, influencing our decisions and guiding our actions. It gives us strength, but can also make us weak. It has the ability not only to heal, but also to destroy. It can be emancipating, but can also enslave us.
There is no mandate, no unifying theme; it takes all in different guises, twisting, soothing, but also hurting. Its sheer presence can lift us above all else, but when lost, it can bring our world to a grinding halt; toppling it from its axis, and sending it spinning off into oblivion.
It can and it does.
Love can manifest itself into acts of pure evil; for is revenge not a child born from Love?
The tales in this book are the consequences of such Love…
Daddy’s Girl A.J Armitt
Torture Robert Brooks
Where Angels Fear to Tread Paul Murphy
The Widow Tompkin Shirley Blane
Homecoming Alex MacKenzie
Threads of Love Rachel Dove
The Last Dance A.J Armitt
A Mother’s Love Paul Murphy
Happy Anniversary Robert Brooks
The Groomer Shirley Blane
This book is currently in the top #100 of Amazon anthologies, and is only 77p on Amazon. Bargain!