Learn the secret of becoming popular beyond your wildest dreams with the perfect eight word plan for high performance popularity….I promise!
The Eight Word Plan For High Performance Popularity
Before I learned the secret of being popular it seemed like nobody liked me at all. No matter how much I smiled, no matter how much I complimented them on their great looks and good taste, no matter how much I praised them for their many fine accomplishments, no matter what I did they did not like me. I really wondered if I could every get it right Not being one to take things lying down I did not, could not, give up. With all my might I sought the keys to the secret of being popular. It was well worth the Herculean effort.
Today I am loved wherever I go. When I step into a room full of teenage girls I don’t even know they gasp and giggle,, point their fingers at me, and try to hold my hand. High ranking businessmen invite to the best restaurant in the western world and ask my advice. The Mayor of my city calls me out for golf. And that is only part of the popularity I enjoy. Let me tell you more…
- Little old ladies pat me on the head and offer me cookies and milk.
- Cats and kittens rub their backs against my legs and purr themselves into seeming ecstasy.
- Teenage baseball teams invite me to pitch out the first ball of the season
- Beautiful butterflies flit about my hair.
- Wild dogs bay at the moon at the very thought of me
- My life has never been richer with well wishers and friends
But sometimes when I am all alone at night I remember how it once was. When I honestly thought no one in this world would ever like me. And I wonder if there are other people out there, this very day, feeling as low as I once did for the same reason. Then I start to feel sorry….
Shouldn’t I be trying to help them? Shouldn’t I be explaining to them how easy it is to make their dreams come true once they know the secret? Should;t I be sharing my joy with this sad dad world?
I am not a religious man. I have faults like everyone else. But it would be so easy to change all that for all good men…. just by typing my special eight word secret and putting where it would be found. Just eight words. That all it takes to explain the whole secret. If I did I would then be even more popular than I am now. I could make tons of money. But since the idea is to help rather than to exploit the sorrows of the sorrowful I really should give away the secret for FREE! And that is what I am going to do. Right Now!
Here goes: the secret to being so popular with people revealed in the eight word plan:
Give them your money and do their work.
That’s all there is to it. Simple, sweet, sure. You cannot miss. This plan works every time. All you have to do is apply yourself…
Actually, here is a much better bet for gaining popularity. It is the world’s all time best seller, after the Holy Bible, by Dale Carnegie, How To Win Friends And Influence People. Nothing as powereful has ever been written….