Wanting to get more out of reading literature.
When one studies Literature, such person is escaping into a world of many different types of expressions. These expressions are referred to as genres. Three of these genres for discussion are fictional short stories, poetry, and drama and some of the themes that are found in them. These are the backbones of many pieces of writings.
A Short Story
A condensed fictional narrative, usually in prose form. A short story also involves a small number of characters and one thematic focus (Microsoft Encarta). It also has a narrator; the one who is telling the story which usually is the author. If the story is narrated by the author, the key note or hint is that the story is written in first person. At times, the author may be the main character or one of the characters within the story and then the hint is that it is written in the third person. Also, the events within the story are chronological with a strong sense of focusing around a major event. However, the main thesis can be in the first or second paragraph but that does not necessary have to be the case. If the author is an excellent author, he can keep you entertained and at the end or last paragraph, he then introduces the thesis or theme. One good short story that I like is, There Was Once, written by Margaret Atwood, Literature p. 417). It is a story about two characters one living in the imagery world while the other is seeing reality and they battling each other.
The second genre is poetry. It can either be spoken or written that emphasizes rhythm or other patterns of sound and imagery expressions (Microsoft Encarta). Poetry is also full of ideas, and sometimes poetry can express powerful experience of words or combination of words that brings about a feeling or thought (Bain p. 116) An example of a poem that I consider to be an excellent poem is called Oh, Oh, by William Hathaway (Literature p. 502). This poem is short, sweet and ends with a surprising ending. I like it because it reminds me of my times together with my boyfriend. When we are together, we never think about future: we always enjoying the present moments.
The last genre up for discussion is drama which is a scene or scenes presented more or less immediately through dialogue and action. It is the live action and usually expressed in the present tense. In order to recognize a drama, one will find sentences and or phrases in quotation marks. Many times, the first, second, or third parties are listed just to let the reader or audience knows who is talking but the names can be concealed. The best sets of drama also have great plots and are usually found in plays. I had the opportunity to read a dramatic skit named, The Seinfeld Show, and it was very interesting and funny but the main thing it did not have a point or a theme but it was very funny and has a lot going on in the skit.
Found within a genre as a theme. When I think of the word humor alone, it just makes me want to laugh. Humor may be found in words or play out in actions to cause laughter (Microsoft Encarta) and brings joy to the heart. It is totally impossible to go through life without humor. One must laugh and it is also said that laughter is the best medicine. Humor is found in any writings and is not restricted to poetry alone. Humor is broadly open to different styles of comedy and skits. One very good poem with great humor is, The Dirty Old Man, by Virginia Hamilton Adair (Literature p. 649). This poem cries humor; the way Virginia uses the words in the poem sound alike. All the ending words in each sentence are very funny and it makes it very humorous.
Usually known for its sarcasm and ridicule to attack the vices and follies of humankind. Sometimes, it is a channel used to insult another person. The sender knows exactly what is meant when such actions are used towards the receiver who may not necessary understands the message. The best of satire is an attempt of correcting a faulty expression (Literature p. 1608). A good example in which satire is represented is found in a story, Who is Irish, written by Gish Jen (Literature p. 161). The way the author uses a satirical message is elevating one race as superior over another by comparing cultures and seeing the differences. The author also gives the impression that the grandmother always thinks her culture is better but when one is born into two cultures those parents form two different cultures that make it difficult to tell which is better.
A literary device that uses contradictory statements or situations to reveal a reality different from what appears to be true. Irony also falls in different categories like verbal irony which is a figure of speech that occurs when a person says one thing but means the opposite (Literature p. 882). Most public speakers use ironic terms in their speeches such as politicians. It is a way to get the message across to the people. One poem that represented irony in a unique way is the poem called, Mr. Z, written by Carl Holman (Myer p. 891). The way the poet wrote the poem was to conceal the image of Mr. Z. This poem was a form of irony because Mr. Z was totally different from his ethics race than what he really appeared to be. Holman masters the use of contradictory personality into Mr. Z.
Literature holds many keys to its writings. One can use many usages of terms creating writings that will entertain its audience. A frictional short story, poetry, and drama are some of the ways we entertain people. If one understands the genres behind these written or oral messages, he or she will get more out of it. I am now beginning to experience what literature is all about and I am enjoying it. The themes within these genres make the works of Literature very interesting. Sometimes, more than one theme is detected but it is fine just to have one focal theme. Of all three genres, I like poetry the best because I read a poem I understand it better each time and learn something new.