I am so happy I discovered short fiction. Some of these little pieces of text pack a mighty punch. Just do a search for “min-fiction,” “micro-fiction,” “dribble fiction,” “drabble fiction,” and more. You are in for a riveting, short read! While you are at it, try writing some short fiction for us to enjoy!
Really Short Fiction 
Let’s Be Brief
How short is short?
Flash fiction, nanofiction, micro fiction, mini fiction, sudden fiction, and short, short story refer to works that are of extreme brevity.
Hint Fiction is 25 words or less.
Drabble fiction is 100 words.
Dribble fiction is 50 words.
Mini Saga is 50 words.
Droubble is 200 words.
Speed fiction is usually around 250-300 words and is as streamlined and condensed as possible.
Quick fiction is 500 words or less.
3 minute fiction takes 3 minutes to read, 5 minute fiction takes 5 minutes to read, and 10 minute fiction follows the same rule.
A Few Sixes, Some Tens, and a Fifteen
Six Little Words Can Pack a Punch
-Mistook grenade for cigarette lighter. Smoked
-Fixed line of code. Saved world
-A thousand wrinkles. A thousand stories.
-Wax wings. High hopes. Long fall.
-Another drink couldn’t hurt… Three dead.
-Hated kids. Met preschooler. Future mother.
-Home run. Catch. eBay auction. Rich.
How About Ten?
-Poor boy finds ticket and goes to factory. The End!
-Ripped from the headlines: Little man. Big bomb. Sun sets.
-If this machine works, this sentence will end abrupt…
-Little boy sells a cow for magic beans. Kills Giant
-Wanted it all, got it all. Empty wallet. Full belly.
Samuel Lehman (MainelySam) wrote:
Striped wool sweaters strangle growth and starve youth; fortunately, his casket is a polyester blend.
A Potpourri of Shorts
J. Matthew Zoss’
“Houston, We Have a Problem”
I’m sorry, but there’s not enough air in here for everyone. I’ll tell them you were a hero.
David Joseph’s
I miss her more than
the others .
Joe R. Lansdale’s
“The Return”
They buried him deep. Again.
Stuart Dybek’s
Broke and desperate, I kidnapped myself.
Ransom notes were sent to interested parties. Later, I sent hair and fingernails, too.
They insisted on an ear.
A Dribble and A Drabble
John Morgan (UK) 13th June, 2002
“Water should never lie still” the old gypsy said, joining two puddles together with a stick. The businessman was intrigued and had an idea. He spoke to the government and announced his new plan to join two larger puddles together. Ships now sail through Panama instead of around Cape Horn.
Michele: Tick Tick Tickin’ in My Head
I turn to pay for the sunglasses. Two seconds. When I turn back, she is gone.
I scan the store for her yellow shirt. Nothing. I yell her name. Nothing.
The floor tilts. Time sucks in its breath, stops and lurches. Fifteen seconds could be three days. I hear nothing but the roar of panic in my head. A barrage of thoughts: lost, crying, kidnapped, hurt, drugged, her hair dyed, her name changed, sold into child labor, black and white fliers, milk cartons, accusations.
I glimpse yellow. She’s there, tugging on the mannequin’s dress. “Mommy?”
Time lets out its breath.
Great Web Site that Gets Right to It
Number 12’s Nanofiction
“One POW’s Story”
date: 06-01-00
Unlike the other prisoners, he saw the move to the mines as an opportunity. The work would make him stronger. The thin prison gruel was a slap of cold reality. He needed protein to eat, dammit. He came out of the camp a strong man. Nobody ever figured out what happened to the missing guards.
“Mister Know-It-All”
date: 06-22-00
He had lots of advice for his newborn son. But his baby already knew how to eat and sleep, was too curious to listen as a child, rebellious as a teen, and busy as an adult. So finally, he just started speaking, telling everything he knew. His voice echoed in the empty nursing home room.
Number 12’s Nano Fiction