Lesson 11 of the Sadlier “Building an Enriched Vocabulary” book. This is a commonly used book to study for SATs as well as often used in schools for instructional purposes. *Lesson comes with sentences for almost every word.
Vocab 11
Con-nois-seur(noun)- someone discriminating judgment in matters of art literature or taste
Merlyn had a mind of a connoisseur when came to his tastes on the education and enlightenment of Arthur.
Pun-dit(noun)– a learned man, a person who gives opinions through mass media in an authoritative manner
Rush Limbaugh can be considered pundit because of his radio show about his opinions
Sa-vant(noun)– a person with a detailed knowledge of a specialized subject
Merlyn is a savant in many specialized forms of magic
Ma-ven (noun)– an experienced person
Merlyns goal was to have Arthur be a maven by giving him many experiences
Dev-o-tee (noun)- a follower supporter or enthusiast
Lancelot was a devotee to Arthurs theory of chivalry and right and might
Ar-bi-ter (noun)- a person or group whose judgment is authoritative and tasteful
Arthurs is the proper arbiter of England during his time with his taste and judgment
Co- gnos-scen-ti (noun)- a person who has expert knowledge in a subject
Merlyn was a cognoscente of magic
Root gnos Greek for knowledge
Neo-phyte (noun)- novice, beginner
Most knights were neophytes compared to Lancelot
Root Neo meaning new
Green-horn (noun)-inexperienced or naïve as well as a newcomer unaware of local customs
On many of Lancelots quest he was a greenhorn and unaware of local customs.
Arthur was a greenhorn before Merlyn his experience level at a relative low
Tender-foot (noun)- a newcomer or an inexperienced beginner
Gareth was a tenderfoot at Arthurs court
Ty-ro(noun)- beginner in learning, amateur
Arthur was a tyro when Merlyn first came to him
Dil-et-tante (noun)- lover or admirer of arts, also could be a person with a superficial interest in an art or branch of knowledge
You might be a dilettante to try and impress some one
Usage Notes-
Amateur and dilettante refer to a person who studies an art for amusement. Dilettante also attributes the fact that the person is not serious about the art. A connoisseur has sufficient knowledge to act as a judge or critic in that field.
Con-sen-sus(noun)– general agreement in felling or belief.
The people is the orthodox Jewish synagogue made consensus on their beliefs.
Unanimity(noun)- the state of being unanimous
The unanimity of the round table made it easy for Arthur to utilize his theory, at least he might wish that.
Con-cord(noun)- harmony
The concord between Lancelot and Arthur allowed them to be great friends.
Ac-cord(noun)- agreement
Arthur and Lancelot often reached accord.
Dis-sent(noun)- differ in opinion
Agravaine often had dissent about violence
Usage note-
There is no reason to add the phrase “of opinion” to the word consensus is not needed since it is implied in the definition
Con-strue(noun)- to analyze, interpret or understand.
Related forms- misconstrue(v), construable(adj), construction(n), misconstruction(n)
Merlyn made Arthur construe all aspects of the round table.
De-duce(verb)- infer from general principle
Arthur deduced that to have equality between knights he would have to utilize a round table
Mis-interpret(verb)- to interpret something incorrectly
Arthur misinterpreted the pride of the Knights of the Round Table.
Con-sum-mate(adjective)- complete or perfect; highest degree or to bring to completion or perfection
Related forms- consummation(n), consummately(adverb)
Arthur goal was to consummate his education.
Su-per-la-tive(adjective)- surpassing all others
Superlative skills of lancelot allowed him to be the best knight in the world.
Tran-scen-dent(adjective)- surpassing, beyond comprehension, significant, lying beyond
Lancelot transcends the expectations of most knights.
Vir-tu-o-so(adjective)- savant, skilled and possessing great taste in fine arts, excels in technique of art (highly skilled musician) , great skill at some endeavor (computer skill)
Lancelot was a virtuoso in the realm of tilting.
Me-di-o-cre(adjective)- moderate low quality, average or ordinary
Lancelot was the pure opposite of a mediocre knight.
Co-pi-ous(adjective)- large in number or quantity, full
Related forms- copiousness(n), copiosity(n), copiously (adverb)
Arthur’s table was copious in knights.
Pro-fuse(adjective)- extravagant, great abundance
Mea-ger(adjective)- thin
Lancelot was meager after going mad
Scan-ty(adjective)- less than sufficient in degree, quantity or, extent
At first Arthur had a scanty supply of nights
Vac-u-ous(adjective)- lacking content, lack of ideas and intelligence
The essay was vacuous in content and so received a low grade
Cor-nu-co-pia(noun) (picture ref)- a horn overflowing with fruits and grains came to be a sign of abundance and prosperity since Zeus gave this to the nymph Almathea for raising him as a present
Cor-pu-lent(adjective)-fat and bulky
Related forms– (nouns) corpulence, Corpulency
People often exercise so not to be corpulent
Port-ly(adjective)- heavy and rotund
Knights can not be portly
Gau-nt(adjective)- excessively thin and or angular
Lancelot was very gaunt after becoming mad
Cor-rob-o-rate(verb)– confirm truth or accuracy of
Related forms- (nouns) corroboration, corroborator; (adjectives) corroborative, corroboratory
Merlyn would often corroborate arthurs ideas
Sub-stan-tiate(verb)-establish by proof or comptent evidence
Its important for dectives to substantiate evidence
Con-fute(verbs)- to overwhelm in argument; refute conclusively
Arthur liked to argue bet not to be confuted
Im-pugn- to assail by words or argument
Kay would often impugn Arthur
Coun-sel(noun and verb)- advice secured through consolation, an adviser especially legal, to advise or recommend
Related forms- counselor
Phrases- keep one’s own counsel, on advice of counsel, a camp counselor
Arthur made the Holy Grail quest on advice of counsel.
Ex-hort(verb)- urge strongly
Mordred exhorted Arthur to try and catch Lancelot and Gwenever together
Ad-mon-ish(verb)- indicate duties or obligations, express warning or disproval but usually in a gentle, Ernest and, solicitous manner
Merlyn would admonish Arthur to try to indicate his responsibilities as king as well as critic his style of ruling in a constructive manner.
Usage note- don’t confuse counsel with council witch is a group assembled to exchange opinions. Or counsel a government official appointed to represent a government in foreign countries usually in commercial maters (kind of like ilona and her office)
Cred-i-bil-i-ty(noun)-being able to inspire belief or trust
Related forms- (noun) credibility, (adjectives) credible, (adjective) credibly
Arthur is very credible as he inspired great courage in all his knights of the round table.
Plau-si-bil-i-ty- the quality or state of being plausible.
Un-dependability– not being able to be depended upon
Cri-te-ri-on(noun)- a standard or principle on which to base judgment or decision
The Knights of the Round Table were expected to act according to criterion
Can-on(noun)- an accepted principle or rule, criterion or standard of judgment, body of principles, rules, standards, or norms
Arthur enforced many canon of chivalry
Cru-cial(adjective)- a point that will determine the final outcome; of supreme importance
The crucial point in the once and future king is when he is about to sleep with morgouse
Related forms- crucially
Piv-ot-al(adjective)- vitally important
Lancelot’s pivotal moment is when he met Arthur as a youth
In-con-se-quen-tial(adjective)- irrelevant
Many of the side story of the once and future king are inconsequential since they did not affect the final outcome
Cul-pa-ble(adjective)- at fault; blameworthy
Phrases- culpable stupidity, culpable neglect
Related forms- culpability, culpableness, culprit
Arthur became culpable for all the problems of the Gaelic people since they associated him with the Saxons
Pec-cant(adjective)- sinning or violating a principle or rule
Lancelot was peccant because of his fatal flaw
Want-ing(adjective)- not present or in evidence
Up until the fourth book Arthur’s evidence against Lancelot and Gwenever was wanting
Cen-sur-able(adjective)– deserving or open to condemnation
Lancelots affair made him censurable
Commen-dab-le(adjectives)- able to praise
Mer-i-to-ri-ous(adjectives)- deserving of honor or esteem
Usage note- culpable is stronger than blameworthy but not as severe as guilty. Thus it is used mostly for an error of omission, lack of sound judgment, negligence, or ignorance rather than criminal intent.
Cur-so-ry(adjectives)- hasty and superficial
Elanes love for Lancelot was more of an infatuation and thus cursory
Phrases– a cursory examination, a cursory report, in a cursory fashion
Related forms- (noun) cursoriness, (adverb) cursorily
Per-func-to-ry(adjectives)- characterized by routine or superficiality
Lancelots routine was prefuntory by repition
Slap-dash(adjectives)- not very thourough
The students report was very slap dash and received a low grade
Ex-haus-tive(adjective)- considering all elements
Arthour was exhaiustive in picking the elements of the round table
Sys-tem-at-ic (adjective)– consisting of system, methodical(opposite of unmethodical)
Merlyn is usally very unsystematic in his ways never following a procedure
Meticulous- excessive care
Cur-tail(verb)- shorten or reduce
Arthurs plan for the round table were curtailed by fate
Related forms– curtailment (noun)
Trun-cate(verb)- to shorten (think trunk of a tree = short)
Aug-ment(verb)- to enlarge
Cyn-i-cal(adjective)– inclined to doubt or deny, bitter or negative
Mis-an-throp-ic(adjectives)– hatred for humankind
De-ri-sive(adjectives)- use of ridicule or scorn to show contempt
Sar-don-ic(ajective)- disdainfully humorous, negative humor or irony
Acer-bic(adjective)- acid in temper, mood, or tone
Related phrase- view the world through rose-colored glasses- take optimistic view
Dissecting the words-
a) Co- shortened form of com means together or completely
a. Coherent- sticking together
b. Cognizance- conscious knowledge
c. Coalesce- to fuse or merge
d. Coeducatinal- both male and female students
e. Cobelligerent- a partner in war
b) Col- used in Latin words beginning with l means either together or completely
a. Colloquial- overused term
b. Collusion- ccooperation
c) Com-
a. combat- battle
b. commemorate- to serve as a memorial of
c. commiserate- to sympathise with
d. compete- to vie or contend with
d) con- used before all consenets except b, h, l , m , r. meaning either together or completely
a. contagious- transmited by indirect or direct contact
b. construct- to build or erect
c. conjugal- relating to marriage
d. conform- to have the same form or character
e) cor- used before r meaning together or completely
a. corrode- dissolve or wear away by chemical properties
b. correlate- to show logical relationship between certain elements
E2- b, e, a, d, c, d, d
E3- consensus, corroborate, credibility, construe, cynical, crucial, corpulent, curtail
E4- a, s, a, s, a, s, s, a, a, s, s, s, s, s, a
1. a dilettante only pretends to like the arts
2. consensus already illustrates this its self evident
3. obese is over weight chubby is slightly obese burly is slightly fat husky is very fat
4. cornucopia a horn overflowing with fruits and grains came to be a sign of abundance and prosperity since Zeus gave this to the nymph Almathea for raising him as a present cynic is philosophers who followed Socrates
5. a- council is a group designed to give advice b-consul is an official d- credible is just worth believing c- credence is having belief
6. criteria, criterions
7. a- inexperienced or naïve as well as a newcomer unaware of local customs
b- lacking credibility
c- at the same time
d- crucial part of the matter
e- optimistic view
1. Merlyn had a mind of a connoisseur when came to his tastes on the education and enlightenment of Arthur.
2. The people is the orthodox Jewish synagogue made consensus on their beliefs.
3. Merlyn made Arthur construe all aspects of the round table.
4. Arthur made the Holy Grail quest on advice of counsel.
5. The Knights of the Round Table were expected to act according to criterion
6. Arthur is very credible as he inspired great courage in all his knights of the round table.
7. Arthur goal was to consummate his education.
8. Elanes love for Lancelot was more of an infatuation and thus cursory
9. Arthurs plan for the round table were curtailed by fate
a) Coherent
b) Coalesce
c) Cooperate
d) Collusion
e) Coalese
f) Conjugal
g) Coalesce
h) Collusion
i) Confuse
j) Caustic
a) Partner in writhing a book-th white had no coauthor
b) Exchange- commutation is needed for a working society
c) Works together- the cords were compatible
d) To form into wrinkles- the cloth was corrugated
e) In unison- the coordination of the swimmers was perefect
f) Interact- the group comingled nicely
g) A loose union, the confederate states were an enemy of the union
h) To live with anoher, we all coexiste with eachother
i) Anxiety- compunction over late homework
j) True- the evidence was concurrent and so athur banished lancelot and Gwenever
k) To restrain- they tried to constrain there sins from author
l) Think about- Arthur contemplated the round table vigourisly
E1- anarchy, caustic, connoisseur
E2- loud and roudy, campaigning politician, reduce
Enriching the lesson-
Path-os- emotions
Ar-o-ma- scent
Pleth-ora- many
Eth-os- sentiment
Pan-a-ce-a- a remedy for all ills or difficulties, cure all
Gen-e-sis- mass murder on grand scale
Phe-nom-en-on- strange event
Ae-gis- a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena, protection
Hot polloi-
Syn-op-sis- summary
Dil-em-ma- problem
Cli-max- crisis point in novel
Di-ag-nos-is- report
Phy-sic- mental physician
Cri-sis- terrible thing
Cat-as-tro-phe- crisis
Stig-ma- scars spots pains symbolizing suffering in one way or another
Ac-me-skin condition
Meta-mor-pho-sis- change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means
Nemesis- opponent
Dog-ma- something held as an established opiniona definite authoritative tenet
Ca-thar-sis- purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art
Hub-ir-is- fatal flaw ego
Trau-ma- crisis
Hy-po-the-sis- idea
Apo-the-o-sis- elevation to divine status
Cha-ris-ma- charm
Io-ta- the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet-
Par-al-y-sis- cannot move
Mat-er-ia-list- places emotional value in possessions
Hed-on-ist-the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life
Ideal-ist- believes in ideals
Emp-ir-i-cist- the practice of relying on observation and experiment especially in the natural science
Ath-e-ist- no god
Ag-nos-tic- god does not interfere
Prag-mat-ist- a practical approach to problems and affairs
Epi-cur-e-an- a follower of a Greek philosopher Epicurus
Free-thin-ker- believes in their own oppinion
Mis-an-thrope- a person who hates or distrusts humankind
Rom-antic- believes in romance
Stoic- one apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain
Hum-an-ist- believes in human rigts
Ego-tist- large ego talking about your self
My-stic- phycic
Op-tim-ist-positive thinker
Real-ist- submits to reality
Ega-lit-ar-ian- promoting total human equality
Mis-og-y-nist- hatred of women
Hum-an-it-ar-ian- belives in human rights
Skep-tic- non beliver
Mon-o-the-ist- belives in one god
Her-e-tic- disbelieves something
Alt-rui-st- unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
Rac-ist- hates a certain race
Pes-sim-ist- negative thinker
Lat-it-ud-in-ar-ian- not insisting on strict conformity to a particular doctrine or standard
U-til-it-ar-ian- a advocate of pleasure over pain theory
Fund-am-ent-a-list- believes in fundamentals and principles
Icon-o-clast- a person who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration
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