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Online Writing- March 3, 2021

A Unique Romance Fiction, You Say?

Then I recommend this one for you! It's by William E. Barrett, "A Woman in the House."…

Online Writing- March 2, 2021

Surrealism in Aimé Cesaire’s the Automatic Crystal

Analyzing Aimé Cesaire's The Automatic Crystal. In depth, with a concentration on the elements of surrealism.…

Online Writing- March 1, 2021

Valentine’s Day Symbols:

Valentines Day has evolved into a global holiday as various twists and turns in every world culture has molded it to fit their seasons and reasons…

Literature- February 28, 2021

Stevie Smith and Her Poetry – Analysis

A short overview of this British novelist and poet, with some analyses of her writings.…

Online Writing- February 28, 2021

Academia-Research Exposed as a Scam

While Academia-Research has been touted as a writing site that pays, my research has led me to believe that the site is not as legit as…

Literature- February 28, 2021

Romeo and Juliet: Choices

The story of Romeo and Juliet was not a story about bad luck, but by bad choices that Romeo and Juliet made. If either of them…

Literature- February 28, 2021

The Curse of Shakespeare’s Scottish Play Macbeth

Don't mention the name of "that play"! The Unmentionable is considered to bring bad luck to its cast...…

Online Writing- February 28, 2021

Quality Web Copywriting Wins The Race for Customers

If you want to create the highest quality content, then you must read this article. It will teach you the proven best web copywriting practices and…

Online Writing- February 28, 2021

Is Associated Content Worth Your Time?

After a few weeks on Associated Content, Constant Content, Demand Studios, and Suite101, I would like to share my initial experience of these sites with you.…

Online Writing- February 28, 2021

Creating Good Content for a Website

Search engines like good content that makes a website popular. Deep analysis and effort from the content developer will result in content that grabs attention from…