Again I do not question the prerogative of Triond editors. I am just looking for answers to my questions on the selection of articles that should land on the front page of the Hot Content List.
Image Submission Problem
In my short stint with Triond, I tried to come up with articles that do not need images to drive a point to what I am trying to convey. But in most cases, articles that carry appropriate images are better appreciated by most readers. On many occasions, I found some images that are muddled or even reduced substantially in size as seen in most of my articles. Before submitting my articles with accompanying images, I normally spend so much time arranging or resizing the pictures or images, only to see them all muddled up when the article is finally published. I am not sure if other writers have experienced this image embedding problem, but it did happened to my articles many times in the past.
Popular Writers
I think more than half of the writers whose articles landed in the front page of the Hot Content List are really good and deserving writers, as they produce quality and well researched articles. They include RJ Evans, Nelson Doyle, Liane Schmidt, Robert Soloria Bermosa, Lauren Axelford, Anne Lyken Garner, Chan Lee Peng, Virniel Cutar, Kristie Leong, s hayes, Athlen Green, Sydney Hazelton, Evis T., Catherine South, Louie Jerome, Unofre Pili, Valli, Acecampillo, Darlene McFarlane, Allison West, Jo Oliver, Dave Cool, among others. I am sure that these writers will continue to produce quality contents because they have built a name for themselves which they will have to protect as seasoned writers. I wonder though why these great writers do not comment on the other articles that are included in the front page of the list that do no not deserve to be there in the first place. Maybe it’s their way of saying that these articles do no deserve to be in the front page at all.
At times, I feel sad that some articles produced by these great writers are languishing in the inner pages of the Hot Content List while articles posted by some relatively new writers have landed in the front page of the Hot Content List. I wish to encourage my esteemed popular writers in Triond to browse on all ten articles found in the front page of the Hot Content List to find out for themselves some articles do not deserve to be in that list.
The Good Side of Triond
When I stopped submitting new articles for publication, I feel sad because it was here where I had my first article published. But I needed to try writing for other publishers in order to come out with intelligent comparison. I submitted several articles to 3 other publishers and I have started making good page views. In the process, I cannot help but compare the ways of these publishers. I found out for myself that Triond is the most writer-friendly site. There are no complicated rules or procedures. Submitting your content at Triond is so easy compared to the other sites, where you are asked to refer to two or three pages of FAQs for answers to your questions.
Another good side of Triond is the camaraderie of writers. In my short stay with Triond, I made many friends with diverse educational and professional background. They provide kind and encouraging words to new writers like me. Some of them would even try to greet me on my birthday.
In summary, I believe that my happy or pleasant experiences with Triond far outweigh my sad experiences. And for this reason, I have decided to continue writing for Triond and to do so for as long as my content submissions are accepted.