Spoiler Alert!
Recently I broadened my tastes in movie watching to discover a movie with the richly accented South Carolina setting. Based on a book of the same name Beautiful Creatures was a pleasant surprise. In the wake of Paranormal romances that seem to have taken the movie world by storm, Beautiful People brings a delightful twist to adult movie viewers as well as fostering the imaginations of teens of the similar age group.
Starting out with the all American Southern boy and a rich history surrounding a small town called Gatlin. As a person from small town America myself I find that Gatlin brings not only fond memories to mind as its secrets unfold but also a sense of real mystery that makes the possibility of the fantasy come to life on screen.
Ethan and Lena are casted perfectly with young gentleman Ethan finds himself returning to High School after a summer break from his girl friend. Ethan has big dreams of leaving Gatlin but find his ideas quickly fading as his love for new comer Lena, who is the descendant of a once powerful witch who cured their family line ( mainly the women) when she attempts to bring Ethans ancestor (her lover) back from the dead. Through twists and turns and ups and downs you ride through the story with this young couple who only have a short amount of time before Lena must make a choice. You watch as she makes the painful choice in what she imagines is the loss of Ethan and reaches for the dark side of herself only to discover the loss of her uncle, one other that she loved. Because as always in stories such as this one must lose someone they love in order to break a terrible curse that has been placed upon them.
I have to say if I had any objection to the plot this would be it, why follow the same story that everyone else does, it made the plot predictable. Down to Ethans return to Gatlin at the end as he attempts to leave Lena behind under a spell she preforms to make him forget he ever loved her. There are always sacrifices, yet in the end someone wins the girl. Its predictability left me a bit disappointed in the end. I felt a bit cheated of an exciting finish.
The movie left itself open for the sequel that perhaps might see the future, but if you can not wait (like me) to know what happens next you can always pick up the books by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Since I fell in love with the movie I can not wait to see what the books hold in store for me.
Happy Watching 