In Meditation + Love, the symbol “Plus (+)” stands for “Yoga”. And what is very interesting to see is what happens when we join the two seemingly at first glance nothing-to-do-with-each-other things. It is helpful to know more about love and the similarities between Meditation and Love. Both effects Mind, which influences all our life. So it is imperative to enlighten self with the knowledge of love.
Essentially ultimately everything is “knowing”. And from that higher point-of-view, Meditation, Yoga and Love are synonyms for the same thing, knowing more of self, knowing more about life. Sometimes for some the quite moments of Meditation become their best teachers, for others the ups and downs of love become the learning lessons of self and life. No matter what the path one picks or happen to be on, provided someone reaches the right destination, the destination of realizing the truth.
Love is an addition, like Yoga. The word “Yoga” itself means union, joining, immersing, being part of everything rather than just a mere detached isolated self. Like Yoga has the power to transform your life, love has the same basic ingredients. Zero does not have any value. But the same zero (0) when put at the right side of number 1, the total combined value become 10, ten times the value of even other element 1. So even if you are zero, you have a value and with the involvement of love with a right person, both can become much greater than their limited individual self. This is the power of love, making you and other person manifold. Would you not like to have this power in your life?
Love makes us feel happy. Not having love, makes us feel sad. Loss of love makes us feel depressed. Having love makes us feel inspired. So there is a direct relationship between love and Mind, just like there is one to one direct relationship between Meditation and Mind. It does not make any sense to ignore such an amazing creation of nature called love, which has the ability to effect every part of our brain, mind, body, and life. Love makes us aware of our deep innate needs. Love can make the difference between an unfulfilled being to the one contented and fulfilled. In the process of trying to express the highest possible emotion of love, a lot of creativity can flow. In the past, the tales of love have resulted in the great master pieces of art, science, culture, and literature. Understanding love is understanding brain and mind. Better understanding of Mind leads to better, more productive and meaningful enlightened life.
Everyone wants love. Many crave for love every single day of their lives. Some find love. Some loose love. But most do not have love. What is the reason? Why people don’t have, they want so desperately? One main reason is that those who currently are deprived of love, are incapable of loving. They can not sustain love. They can not give love. They are at least until now have not been able to master love. To be able to give love, one needs to know love. One needs to really understand love. What love is? What are the fundamentals of love? What are the characteristics of love? What is the language of love? What is the science of love? What is the code of love? Many people think that they know all about love. If that is the case, they must have abundance of love and must be enjoying the heavenly bliss of ultimate of life in the relationship area, the true mutual love. If that is not the case, they fall into the only other category of “no-love”.
The good news is that just like everything else, love can be learned. Love can be known. Love can be understood. History has many evidences that true love exists. And thinking scientifically if something called love is there, then it can be discovered, replicated, and relished. If one is open for love, if one is committed to find love and finally willing to stick with love, then one can have love. Love can be difficult, discomforting, risky, and rocky. So love may not be made for those who always look for the easy way out, short-cuts, do not have any appetite for putting anything at stack and too week and fearful to withstand any challenge. The hope is that anybody can change, and the right changes can fill all the gaps. Meditation happens because we surrender our ego for the sake of the truth and the only way to have the love happen is to sacrifice the selfish, manipulative, dishonest, over-smart ego.
Know, understand, embrace, taste, learn, attract and master love.
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