Are you earning Thousands?
The answer to this for most is probably no!
The disadvantages of using Triond are you can work your socks off for hours and put all your effort in to produce great articles and still have no results at the end of it, it can be quite discouraging for some users. I know it was for me at first and i genuinely enjoy writing as a hobby, but I would be the first person to admit I wouldn’t mind earning some money out of what i do best. who wouldn’t right? 
I would have page views and comments for my work but I wasn’t even earning a dollar. I spent ages writing poetry because its what i enjoy doing most but unless you have the readers for poetry than your work remains in your own head. As we all know there’s not many people that read poetry not nowadays with so much else to entertain them. I don’t add my face book page as i don’t want to mix what I keep close to my heart with a social network such as Face book. This is because a lot of my work uncovers the real me, and i prefer to keep my social life away from what I like to think is my own personal business, my inner self. my soul, the real me only. I have however joined the go-ogle ad sense which is active with Triond but I think I have only earned 0.50p over the past seven months I have been with them. I have added other blogs to add my Triond work through but it hasn’t made a bit of a difference to my earnings. So what can we do to help our earnings?
Lately I have been writing articles as well as keeping my poetry going too. I have noticed a difference in my views, my clicks per page and my likes and comments. Although my articles still come from my experiences, they come straight from the heart with an honest opinion on what i really think. I think when you write about topics you know well or have experienced there’s more chance there is people that can share a similar story to yours, and relate to the article you have written. I yet to see how my earnings progress on my articles and I hope to write many more.
Now I come to the advantages of Triond which are being able to express yourself without feeling judged. I don’t think i have ever met such genuine people as the people that I interact with on Triond. It’s a nice place to be on the Internet where no one gets treated like the black sheep by others. I have met some extraordinarily talented members on here, some creative, some a bit quirky but the main thing is we all muck in together to get the best results for our well deserved work. I have had many members share their stories with me and I’m grateful they can put their trust in me.
Just want to say thanks for all your support in my writing, with your reviews,likes and honest opinions on my work I can carry on doing what I love best with confidence!