I finally published my first book.
It’s taken me about four years, but I finally published my first book. It’s full of poetry and art, with a few short stories. The poetry is mostly what I wrote in the past, so some pieces are dark. The rest of the poetry is written about love and dedicated to my husband.
I also wrote a few short stories in my College Creative Writing class and added those to the book.
To fill some pages, I also added some art pieces and photography.
I just thought I would write a short article to let my Triond friends know why I have not been publishing here lately, and that my other projects are going well.
Now I have a few other novels that I have begun to work on. One about a train (it’s a mystery) and one about a tragic love story.
I would be honored if any of my Triond friends read my book and posted a review. That would be interesting to see.
Here is the link for those interested: Shades of Midnight