Here’s a tip about how to write a good article.
As a rule, on the Internet articles make more money than journal entries, poems, photos and short stories. I’m talking family entertainment. Those of you new to Triond will find this out soon enough. If you’re not concerned with making money you have nothing to worry about. You won’t make much. For those of you who would like to see a steady increase of money, no matter how small that increase is, this article is for you.
If you want to have a continuing increase of money from your online writing, what should you do? The problem is, how to write a good article?
Well, we can all agree on some of the things that make a good online article. Some of the things are: good, concise writing, interesting content and obvious knowledge of the subject matter on the part of the writer. Lots of good articles have this. What you are looking for is an edge. You want your article to stand out.
I have two words for you: argumentative writing.
I touched on argumentative writing in another article. I would like to expand on what I wrote before. Argumentative writing means the writer takes a position that the writer admits may not be correct. The writer has doubt. In the article, the writer may even include evidence that may be in opposition to the position that the writer is the advocate of.
Many of you may think this argumentative writing is foolish.
In the hands of a writer that makes a more convincing argument for the opposition, it is foolish.
In the hands of a good writer, it’s a game changer. The home team always wins.