Can you make money writing less than 1,000 words?
Flash Fiction (also known as Short-Short Stories) is a market where authors create stories less than 1,000 words in length, allowing readers to finish an entire story in a single five minute break at work or while on the train. It’s difficult to make a living in this particular writer’s market, but it is possible to at least make some kind of income.
Online magazines offer the best way to make some quick money writing Flash Fiction, as well as build a starting readership. The pay for flash fiction varies from publisher to publisher, but with Flash Fiction stories being so quick to write, it won’t be long before you have stories overflowing your folders to submit. With that in mind, here are some online magazines which will pay for your work.
- Flash Fiction Online: One of the premier services for Flash Fiction writers, Flash Fiction Online accepts stories between 500 and 1,000 words. Preferred genres are fantasy and science fiction, although any genre is welcome. Every story that gets accepted earns the author $50.
- Every Day Fiction: With this magazine there is no minimum word count (the only limitation is a maximum of 1,000 words), although stories are only worth $3. However, a new piece is published everyday and authors can submit up to 3 stories at a time.
- Flashquake: Flashquake accepts any form of Flash Fiction, Non Fiction or poetry. They also accept artwork. Submission’s are only accepted at certain times of the year, so it is crucial that you check their guidelines carefully before submitting your work to ensure it has a chance of being accepted. Payment is via check or Paypal and can vary between $5 and $25, and they have a habit of preferring shorter stories over longer ones.
- Bound Off: Bound Off is a little different, in that they take MP3 recordings of stories being read aloud and disperse them as Podcasts. Stories must be between 250 and 1,000 words, and payment is $20 a story. It’s important that you have a good, strong voice to record your story, and when you submit it you must include the time it takes to read the story in your submission email.