Nophun says, “Let’s tell the prospect to get real. He shouldn’t receive
nice feelings from products. It’s a little weird!”
However, deep down, the prospect doesn’t want to get real. And why
should he? His world is all too actual and commonplace. If your product
gives him a small escape, marvelous. He’ll know he isn’t in a fantasy
world, but he’ll feel something nice. And feeling wins.
Nophun says, “Let’s tell the prospect to get real. He shouldn’t receive
nice feelings from products. It’s a little weird!”
However, deep down, the prospect doesn’t want to get real. And why
should he? His world is all too actual and commonplace. If your product
gives him a small escape, marvelous. He’ll know he isn’t in a fantasy
world, but he’ll feel something nice. And feeling wins.
Reference: “Go to the hopes and dreams,” on page 42.
Making a point over making sense
You show politicians holding a common man upside down and
shaking hundreds of dollars out of him. Coworker Pres Icely says, “A
person doesn’t carry around that much money.” Don’t worry about
that, Pres. Advertising says it’s OK to exaggerate.
Moral: Your objective isn’t to portray realism but to make a
connection with the prospect.
Reality within unreality
For example, you can have a family living on the moon, but they
can’t have a zebra as a pet. The striped mammal is out of whack with
the setting you created.
Enter the stilted world
If realness is the way to go, try moving it 15 degrees off center – to put
some zip in it.
• Example 1: Get the people in your ad to bug their eyes.
• Example 2: Stay in modern day, but set some clothes, hairstyles and
objects back 20 years.
Unfortunately, slightly-off-center ads might get resistance. Stupe
iFied asks, “Why are you doing this? It seems kind of senseless.”
Exactly, iF. This way the ad can be realistic but can still stand out.
Otherwise, it’s the same old crud.
In short: Turn up the volume on your ad.