Here I have got some of the best facebook love statuses. I am sure you will like them. Read them, make part of your status, text them, write them, well its up to you..!!
This is the Second part of the Article which i wrote before. Here i have Another 15 of them!!!.. I am sure you will love them ..
Here’s the link to the First part…
I’ll be writing the third one soon ..
Here i go ..
1. That one person you will always love, and never get over. well that person down deep hopefully love you back.
2. The sweetest words ever said by a lover: “Im jealous of the people you’ve ever hugged…because for…a few seconds they held my entire world.
3. If I got to wish for one thing in the world, it would be for you to stay right next to me forever.
4. To live without you is like living in hell, but having you by my side is like living in heaven that never ends.
5. I’ll always need you, I’ll always miss you, but most of all, I’ll always love you. 
6. The 1st day I saw u was the day my whole life fell into place. The moment our eyes met was the moment I knew I was urs for life. I love you and regret nothing.
7.It takes millions people to complete the world … but it only takes you to complete mine
will always be here and my love for you will be for eternity.
8. ” Life’s a book and you are my favourite chapter “
9. “Stop looking for someone to love,just open your eyes because that person is right in front you”
10. When I tell you I love you, I don’t say it out of habit or to start a conversation, I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
11. It’s amazing how you can mean so much to someone one day, and the next it’s like you never even existed to them </3 :’( why?
12. If someone asked me how many times have you gone through my mind
I would only say once because you came into my mind and never left.
13. your my love, the one i cant live without, the one i think about all the time and cant seem to get u off my mind. <3 I LOVE YOU <3
14. I love you,and With you, my heart has found a home,and my soul has found its other half.and until the end of time, I will be yours.and love u without question.
15. There are different levels of love, I’m only interested in the one no one seems to know these days…unconditional/everlasting love…
Hope you enjoyed them.