Atticus Finch is represented as a true hero, in “How To Kill A Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee.
In the novel; ‘To Kill A Mocking Bird’, written by Harper Lee. Atticus is represented as a hero throughout the novel. He is shown to have wisdom, courage[,] bravery, determination and good morals. He is also respected greatly throughout a certain part of the community. Atticus continually does what is right and even perseveres when persecuted and is looked down upon by some. These characteristics clearly depict a true hero.
The first time Atticus is depicted as a hero is when he shoots the mad dog, which was walking around the streets of Maycomb. Atticus is depicted as someone who can be relied upon and as a protector. This is shown when Heck Tat says “Mr. Finch, this is a one shot job!” This signifies that Heck Tate has put great faith in Atticus and believes that only Atticus can do the job. This puts responsibility on Atticus to be a heroic and save the day by killing the mad dog and saving anyone from getting bitten and dying. When Atticus does take the dog down in one shoot, it shows that he has the ability to get things done when he is needed to. It also reinforces the faith in him which some members of the community have in him. Atticus is also shown to have good morals as he goes out of his ways to help people even when it would have been easier for him just to have Heck shoot the dog and probably miss. These characteristics depict a hero.
The second time when Atticus is shown to be a hero is when Atticus blocks the entrance from Walter Cunningham and a group of people who were trying to get to Tom Robinson. This is incredibly brave and courageous of Atticus because he would know that the group of men are either going to kill Tom or severely hurt him. Atticus is also shown to have great respect for people when Walter says “Get aside from the door Mr. Finch”. Atticus replies by saying ” You can turn around and go home again, Walter,’ Atticus said pleasantly” Even after Walter is so rude and threatens Atticus, Atticus still has enough respect for Walter to just politely tell him to go home. This is something that would require great maturity and respect for all people, and great courage, as even when threatened, Atticus does not even react to it but just acts like he was taking to a friend. Atticus also would what the group of men are willing to do so he is actually risking his own life to stand and block the entrance. A true hero also shows love, and as it is written in a book, known as the Bible: “Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friend (John 15:13). As Atticus is willing to have his life taken instead of Tom’s, this shows that he has a great love and courage. Atticus also does not change his opinion on Walter after this happens, even though Walter is probably willing to severely injure or kill someone that day. The characteristics of love through putting his Tom’s life before his, courage and bravery through standing up to Walter and the group of men, and maturity and respect by not to reacting to Walter’s threatening words. These acts represent a true hero.
The third time Atticus is shown to be a hero, is one of the major parts of the story. It is when Atticus defends Tom Robinson in court. The most amazing, heroic and courageous part of the story is that Atticus knows he is going to lose before he even began to fight. Atticus Finch actually says this while explaining to Jem what real courage is. His words are: “I wanted you see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” (pg. 124) This shows that Atticus has put a lot of thought into what he is about to do; defend Tom, and it also shows his wisdom. Atticus is also talking about that it is more courageous too stand up fight when you know your going to lose then to just to give up. He is also saying, in the long run, you might also end up winning, even though you might lose to begin with. What Atticus is saying is also linked with determination to have the guts to never give up and keep going no matter. That is what a true hero is, someone who doesn’t have the advantage but fights for it and has the courage and determination to stay in the fight until the very end.
Through out the novel, Atticus is represented as someone who can relied upon, who has wisdom and great respect for everyone. No matter who they are and what they have done. Atticus is also shown to be really brave, to have great courage and love through putting himself before Tom, and stopping the men getting to Tom inside his jail cell. Through defending Tom, Atticus shows what a real hero is, not someone who has the advantage and the power, but someone who has the courage and determination to stand up for what believes no matter what.