I received an e-mail from Triond, saying they’d noticed I hadn’t submitted anything for a few weeks. I wonder how many others have received the same e-mail?
I wonder how many others have received, as I have just done, a letter from Triond saying they’d noticed I hadn’t posted any articles for a few weeks and that they missed me. They then gave me a link to give me hints on how to submit another article.
Wouldn’t it have been more sensible to continue, asking if there was a reason for my not submitting anything and then giving me a chance to reply. Whilst I appreciate it being noticed that I haven’t been submitting on this site, both by Triond and the wonderful friends who have noticed and contacted me to see if all is well, I’d appreciate it even more if Triond had not driven me underground in the first place.
I left Triond because I was sick of the quality and content of many articles being submitted and because of the ever decreasing monthly payments, in spite of my ever increasing output. I admit, the introduction of the new Flag Button has tidied up the site quite a bit and possibly I will return sometime soon. And, to be truthful, the pay isn’t all that important to me.
I miss reading the work of my many friends here on Triond and sharing my own thoughts from time to time. I chose to leave, temporarily as it may be, because I no longer wanted to be associated with the site. However, the response from others has been such that I don’t want to close the door completely.
When I’ve looked in on Triond from time to time over the few weeks since I went AWOL, I find I am not the only one to have disappeared. It is hard to be loyal when there is so much dissatisfaction on the site.
I decided the time is right to offer an explanation as to why I took leave, in the hope that someone from Triond may read it, having not offered me a chance to reply. Or, is that asking too much? I would love to hear from others who have also received a similar e-mail.
Thank you to those who did take the time to make contact and ask about my absence. I feel really humbled by your concern, and have hopefully answered most of you by personal message. Yes, I did decide to leave Triond for a while and direct my limited writing time elsewhere. I have also been totally immersed in creative writing, both short stories and poetry and hope to self publish an anthology within the next six months. Progress on this has been going remarkably well.
Meanwhile, my appearances on Triond will be limited, at least until next year. I shall continue to read occasional work of others. I shall possibly publish occasional articles, simply to keep this door open and not be discarded from Triond totally.
I will never forget all my wonderful Triond friends, who have been the reason I have been writing for the past two years. My writing has definitely benefited from you all.